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on the straight相关的网络例句

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与 on the straight 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Roma are on the verge of writing their names into history with a tenth straight League win on Sunday, but Mexès insists that winning the game is foremost in his mind regardless of the distraction of records or the upcoming Rome derby.


The Reds' no.9 has not scored on the continent since the 3-1 home defeat to Chelsea in last season's Champions League quarter-final, but Benitez reckons the striker can put the record straight when they look to overturn a first leg deficit against Lille on Thursday night.


You're unembarrassed by your shoe size emblazoned on the back of each heel, undistracted by all the bright silk shirts, the skirl of rolling balls on shellacked and waxed lumber, the soft jets of air to dry your fingers so they slide like sex in the customized holes, the little numbers glowing everywhere. You sip the air like pilsner, size up the quantum physics of the lane, aim straight into the vacuum at the edge of your life, distant dead end of the imaginary alley where all of us stand cringing in a wedge.

你不为 刻在每只鞋底的尺码感到尴尬;你不为那些发亮的丝的衬衣分神保龄球在手摩擦蜡和虫胶地板滚动声音尖锐喷气使你的指头干爽好让它们有如性爱般滑进那定做的球孔细小的数目字四处闪呀闪你呼吸空气像啜饮比尔森啤酒你计算保龄球巷的量子力你瞄准前面的真空是你生命的边缘远处你幻想的小巷是死胡同我们所有人一一站着排成楔形

Being a model's turn to arrange gleam of needle wheel speed reduction machine drive pawl drive, the straight line with regularity to transport a form directly, make the jar body ,jar cover have certain sojourn time, clean a job process coming to be completed the working procedure fixing material,cleaning ,blowing doing ,expecting that under drying ,and so on on one by one delicate place,lts characteristic is in the process of purge and puff cadre, the jar body ,jar cover can overtum the angle,makes arbitrarily to purge and blow caere to further improve and perfect.


To get straight to the subject, and to make a long story short, technically speaking, I can't step on the brake when I am in the curve and when I see that there is a time loss in the middle of the curve, I want to step on the gas all the way and the traction control can't keep up with it.


The research is about the reuse of urban sewage for virescence irrigation, and the influence of sewage irrigation on eco-environment such as soil, plant, etc. is studied. Under the condition of field sewage irrigation, the transport and transformation and accumulation mechanism of heavy metals, nutrients and organic pollutants as vaporizable hydroxybenzene etc. in the soil-plant system are analyzed. The heavy metal pollution is evaluated by the comprehensive pollution index. The spatial variability of heavy metals in sewage irrigation area is further understood. The spatial variability of heavy metals and physical and chemical properties of soil are reflected in a more straight way by the theory model of variance function curve based on the geographical information system.


Many waves are there agitated by the wind, keeping nature fresh, the spray blowing in your face, reeds and rushes waving; ducks by the hundred, all uneasy in the surf, in the raw wind, just ready to rise, and now going off with a clatter and a whistling like riggers straight for Labrador, flying against the stiff gale with reefed wings, or else circling round first, with all their paddles briskly moving, just over the surf, to reconnoitre you before they leave these parts; gulls wheeling overhead, muskrats swimming for dear life, wet and cold, with no fire to warm them by that you know of; their labored homes rising here and there like haystacks; and countless mice and moles and winged titmice along the sunny windy shore; cranberries tossed on the waves and heaving up on the beach, their little red skiffs beating about among the alders;-- such healthy natural tumult as proves the last day is not yet at hand.


The cornice is banded with smooth limestone above intricate spiraling patterns below, and the top-edge of the roofline is straight and horizontal on the front and back and scalloped in a concave fashion on the sides.


Comb tenoning machine Merit:①The this aircraft uses the straight line guide rail, the precision bearing, the operation is facile;②Has the structure compact, does not fill saws the froth, the precision high, the work table area big, the life long and so on the characteristics;③Has the air operated card functions and so on tight, feed control, auto-stop, automatic rejected material;④Is equipped with the electrical machinery superheat automatic protector and stops the switch anxiously, after the emergency stop the air cylinder may lock automatically;⑤Uses in constructing the profession woodenly only then (below 15*15cm), zygote board docking enhances efficiency 40% compared to the similar product.


Welded pipe unit: The stainless steel welded pipe unit, the cold bending formation series welded pipe unit, the high frequency welded pipe unit, the pot galvanize unit, cut the butt welding machine, the spiral welded pipe unit and the heavy-caliber straight seam bury the arc-welded pipe unit and so on the complete set of equipment and so on;..


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
