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与 on the stage 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that the duration of the 3 phases during the culture of cell suspension is related to the inoculum size, the initial nutrient concentration, the feeding of nutrients and the culture conditions such as temperature and dissolved oxygen, that the maximum cell yield reaches about 12g/L for batch culture or 35g/L for fed-batch culture in dry weight, that the saponin content of cells quickly increases in the bloom phase and keeps on increasing until the early stage of the declining phase, with a maximum saponin content of about 60~70g/kg in dry weight, that the conductance value of cell suspension decreases from more than 8000μS to less than 600μS with the growth of cells, but increases when the cells autolyze, and that part of cells turns red in the later culture, which has no apparent effect on the saponin content.


This paper using the Structure life cycle law, Analysis the business processes of Lang Chaco Logistics Company and make a special effort to investigate and study the customer management, the order form management, the warehousing management and the transportation management, also has emphatically carried on the detailed analysis and the design to these sub-systems, besides, each work stage achievement with the exhaustive descriptions and the standardized graph, the integrity, accurate carried on the description, and finally has been providing the corresponding design proposal, which has provided some instructions for the next step systematic development construction.


This paper combinate the historical background, on the basis of previous studies, to the Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a guide, to the rural market economy as the starting point, foreign social old-age insurance system on the useful experience, Both attention to the social old-age insurance system and the universality of common existence, also expressed concern about the special nature of rural in Jiangxi Province and personality, Combining Jiangxi rural social endowment insurance system for the status quo, to adapt to the Jiangxi rural social endowment insurance system of the model framework, At this stage of the full implementation of rural social endowment insurance system for the feasibility with a view to Jiangxi rural social endowment insurance system and provide a theoretical basis.


Conclusion1 Critically ill patients with indwelling catheters were of the high positive rate of microorganisms,and microorganism spectrum was of special properties;BF formed mainly inside the catheter,the occurrence rate of BF inside the catheter was high and the formation time was short;Changes on catheters and the result of microorganisms was positively correlated with the BF formation.2 Indwelling catheter time was the independent risk factors for the BF formatiom, while age、APACHEⅡscore、sex、urine sugar and the types of antibiotic usage were the potential risk factors for the BF formation;Nurses should perfect the catheter measures for critical ill patients,emphasis on the assessment of risk factors of BF formation,and implement special care in high-risk patients.3 In the early stage of BF formation,irrigation could play the role of eradicative BF effectively;While later,it couldn't,but it can delay the speed of BF formation and maturation;In the choice of washing methods,injection type washing method is superior to infusion.

结论1重危患者留置尿管微生物培养阳性率高,且微生物菌谱具有特殊性;重危患者尿管表面BF主要在尿管内壁形成;内壁BF的发生率高,形成时间短;肉眼观察尿管表面改变情况以及微生物鉴定结果与BF形成呈正相关。2尿管留置时间是重危患者留置尿管表面BF形成的独立危险因素;年龄、APAcHEⅡ评分、性别、尿糖定性以及抗生素使用种类是其可能的危险因素;护理过程中应完善重危患者尿管护理措施,注重对BF危险因素的评估,并对高危患者实施重点护理。3 BF形成早期,冲洗能发挥较好的清除作用;BF形成后期,冲洗无法彻底清除尿管表面BF,但冲洗能延缓BF形成与成熟的速度;在冲洗方式的选择上,注洗式冲洗法对尿管BF的清除效果优于输注式冲洗法。

Based on the study on the characters of the Maba Man skull, this article puts forward that the position of the Maba Man in human development history of China lies in the middle stage of Early Homo Sapiens, later than the Jinniushan Man, the Dali Man and the Xujiayao Man, earlier than the Changyang Man and the Dingcun Man.


Based on the researches of prehominid this thesis first discusses and analyzes on the product characteristic and the cost structure and also the factors that affecting the pricing of software. After that it gets a stage conclusion that the pricing strategy of the traditional product isn't suitable for software product. Then it analyzes the problems of the president pricing strategy of software .At last it gives an operatable and practical pricing model by the example of the ERP software product.


The main calculation in the particle image matching algorithm is to have the two visual seriate images taken the cross-correlation arithmetic based on the fast fourier transform. This paper discusses the basic principle of the cross-correlation arithmetic in detail, discuss each stage of its produce and development and also discuss the thinking, the merit and the defect of each algorithm. On the base of all these discussing, we confirm our algorithm and realize it in programming with C++.


The Paleoproterozoic Beidahe Group-complex remains as continental shivers in the interior of the North Qilian orogen. In its early stage of development, there occurred abundant amphibolite. The protolith of the amphibolite is basalts. The Alk-∑FeO-MgO plot, REE features and Rittmann index show that the protolith belongs to the calc-alkaline suite and exceptionally shows the subalkaline character. The rock is characterized by higher Al2O3 and ∑FeO and lower Mg#, indicating that it has a higher degree of compositional evolution and that the formation of volcanic rocks is related to activation of older crust. Highly fractionated REE patterns and amphibolite on the Ti-Zr-Y plot, Ni-FeO/MgO plot and Ta/Yb-Th/Yb plot all indicate the characteristics of volcanic arcs and active continental margins. On the geochemical diagram of basalt, the overall REE features are in the main analogous to those of calc-alkaline island-arc basalt, with Sr87/Sr86=0.71617–0.72033,Nd143/Nd144=0.512414–0.512495 and εNd=–2.79 to –4.37,εSr=245.78–305.3, showing that the magma was derived from the crust or subjected to contamination with the lower crust below the continent.

提要:以大陆碎块形式残存于北祁连造山带内部的古元古代北大河岩群早期发育有大量的斜长角闪岩,其原岩为玄武岩,Alk—∑FeO—MgO图解,REE特征,里特曼组合指数等均显示斜长角闪岩属钙碱性系列范围,个别显示弱碱性,斜长角闪岩具有较高的Al2O3,∑FeO和低的Mg#,这些特点反映其成分演化程度较高,表明火山岩的形成与古老地壳的活化有关,有较强分异的稀土元素分配模式,在Ti—Zr—Y图,Ni—FeO/MgO图解和Ta/Yb—Th/Yb图解上斜长角闪岩均显示火山弧或活动大陆边缘的特点,在玄武岩的地球化学形式图,稀土元素整体特征与钙碱性岛弧玄武岩基本相同;87Sr/86Sr=0.716 17~0.720 33, 143Nd/144Nd=0.512 414~0.512 495,εNd=-2.79~-4.37。

To be brief, the English romanticism on the one hand further pushes ahead the project of modernity in the artistic or aesthetic field, but on the other hand it also launches a vehement aesthetic critique of modernity, thus resulting in the birth of aesthetic modernity; the Chinese romantic movement represented by the Creation Society is characterized by a different Janus'face: like English romanticism, it is a significant artistic articulation of the principle of subjectivity (which is the kernel of modernity) in its initial stage, yet influenced by the interaction of individual enlightenment and the national salvation, a pair of conflicting themes typical of China's modernity project, the Creation Society gradually turns to the left and consequently not only radically politicizes its romantic spirit but also ironically suppresses the search of modernity.


On the other hand, the market competition enters the superheating the stage, is more and more short to the new product going on the market cycle request, is more and more high to the product cost limit request, the purchase pure is not merely the material supply guarantee execution department, But the more and more many participation enterprise manages the decision-making.


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On A Stage All Across The World

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
