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Base on the systematically geological investigation and study, we choose to use aremote sensing data source,the geography control data source(1:50,000relief map of Qiaojia and measured GPS ) as the data source of this research, adopt"Digital Landslide"processing image data, and carry on time-space analysiscombining geological investigation and related data. Application aerodynamicist theories, some important conclusions that obtained from the wind-tunnel experiment,and according to the time –space analysis result, we analyzed the landslide dammingmovement mechanism, presumed the movement format of this high-speed landslide,studied the formation mechanism and the movement characteristic of this landslide ,calculated it's movement equation, applied VC language to write calculationprocedure of each stage of the landslide, computed movement speed and displacement,and made sure its possible stop district.


I seriously fried the small battery holder I was using for the reversing battery and melted one of my oscilloscope probes on the very hot reversing FET when fiddling with the oscillator circuit so I decided to make the output stage absolutely unable to go into forward and reverse at the same time by putting the two opto isolators back to back from one chopper amplifier to the other so only one of them can ever be on at a time - gets rid of some parts and adds a major safety improvement - bonus!


American Eliot Fergusen added a strong rock sound on the drums and the band was also augmented by Sergei Riabtsev on fiddle, a former theater director from Moscow whose past experience would prove helpful in the future in crafting Gogol Bordello's bizarre stage shows (like one which tells the story of super-powered immigrant Ukrainian vampires).


But we should also seethat at present the academes research on authenticity guaranty of electronic records isjust on the first step stage. It should be deepened and widened.


Simulated water stress experiment on the five-leaf stage of maize growth with different concentrations of polyethylene glycol in nutrient solution was performed to study the effects of water stress and rewatering on chlorophyll content,chlorophyll fluorescence kinetic parameters,photosynthetic parameters and soluble sugar content.


Speaking exclusively to MOJO, Jones revealed that work on the next stage of the Beatles Remastered campaign is currently underway:"We're working on them now," said Jones, I don't have a release date.

Jeff Jones在MOJO杂志的独家专访中透露,Beatles唱片的重新混音工作的下一阶段正在进行:我们正在努力工作,但是还没有确定发行日期。

Based on the above analysis, we can see college students on the whole psychology of consumption growth in a sound stage.


Several main results on the evolutions of the life and environment on early earth are summarized as follows:(1) the oxygenation of surface environment didn''t cease until a stable stage for 0.4Ga appeared after 1.6Ga;(2) compared to the isotopic compositions of kerogens and coexisted carbonates, the differences between two can effectively carrier the signals from local environments and bio-assemblages;(3) multiple isotopic relationships between kerogens and individual alkanes in Proterozoic samples were observed, which would depend on the specific biogeochemical processes;(4) repeated biogeochemical changes were observed accompanying Neoproerozoic glaciations, which suggesting that environmental rather than evolutionary forces were driving the biogeochemical changes;(5) the bio-radiations after Neoproterozoic glaciations were definitely suggested by molecular and isotopic data to be at the early Cambrian and after the middle of Doushantuo deposition with different triggers for them.


Kicking back before getting down to the hard work of hatching--a several-day process--a late-stage emperor penguin embryo (shown in a digital illustration) breathes easy inside its egg, which is resting on the father penguin's feet while Mom is on a months-long fishing trip.


In order to test the safety of herbicides on turfgrass, herbicides were applied on Finelawn tall fescue and Conni Kentucky bluegrass at the stage of germination, seedling and establishment, respectively.


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On A Stage All Across The World

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
