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on the sea相关的网络例句

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与 on the sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A rough passage on the stormy sea.


A rough passage on the stormy sea .


Cruise, as is Rimini on the Adriatic Sea.


A country of southeast Europe on the Adriatic Sea.


A historical region of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea; mountainous with many islands.


A region of central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea.


Of deep-sea Fishing s he heard tell, and mighty silver gatherings of the mile-long net; of sudden perils, noise of breakers on a moonless night, or the tall bows of the great liner taking shape overhead through the fog; of the merry Home -coming, the headland rounded, the harbour lights opened out; the groups seen dimly on the quay, the cheery hail, the splash of the hawser; the trudge up the steep little street towards the comforting glow of red-curtained windows.


From my company in November 2001 at the original foundation of a wireless public address system on the introduction of multi-media, operates mainly in the microphone, amplifier, speakers, sound reinforcement system frequency shift, are the sea or NT agent, BOKE audio Shaanxi total generation, at the same time We are in the wireless public address system on the basis of the introduction of multimedia, digital language lab systems engineering project.

我公司从 2001 年 11 月在原有无线扩音系统的基础上推出多媒体,主要经营话筒,功放,音箱,移频扩声系统,是海之升西北地区总代理,BOKE音响陕西总代,同时我们在无线扩音系统的基础上推出多媒体,数字化语音室工程系统工程。

Glaciologists on the 18 April publish the first account of the "plumbing" of the Greenland ice sheet. It explains how meltwater that forms on top of the ice in summer reaches the base of the sheet and lubricates its flow into the sea.


Coincidentally, agriculture branch kilometer in the East China Sea Garden, but also to the recent "concessions" in the form of lower prices, each unit prices as high as 10 million, while the King Tin Tin Ming Yuan kilometer is "flatly price" form, regardless of floor, regardless of a unified to 5,888 yuan per square metre price of external sale shortly gathered a lot of interest, as Meilin kilometer of the new century have driven Court last week on the occasion of the occupation on sale now at concessionary price of 4,480 yuan, and a large number of supporters access; Lo Wu District in the north and Porto Novo Tsui Chuk Garden in the land - the realization of the large residential area planning, development changed the landscape of the Lo Wu deficiency, owners in facilitating the full enjoyment of life at the same time bring the entire landscape area, especially the 4,600 yuan per square metre prices, many holding "Lo Wu complex" than those who moved, have set up projects in 70% of the sales of short-term rates


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Peter On The White Sea
On The Sea
Petals On The Sea
Alone On The Sea
Toiler On The Sea
On The Sea

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
