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与 on the sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He made also ten lavers: and he see five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them all such things as they mere to offer for holocausts: but the sea was for the priests to wash in.


Nestled between Hualian City and Taroko Gorge, and home to the Taroko tribe, the village of Sanzhan sparkles like a jewel on Taiwan's East Coast. It's almost as if time has forgotten this magical valley where crystal-clear turquoise rivers meander through mist-shrouded mountains of verdant green and on to the sea.


This contributes greatly to a better security, compared with having to maneuvers on foot of a mast while the boat is rolling in the sea as it is often the case on a monohull.


The author, basing on the basic theories of insurable interest, studies some important theoretic questions of marine insurable interest, including what may amount to a marine insurable interest and when and to whom it should be required and how it should be recognized, transferred, terminated and classified; inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts, including contract of marine insurance for Hulls, for the Carriage of Goods by Sea, for Freights, for Interests of Ships Mortgagees and for Liability; oppugns the provisions in insurance laws of our country on subject matter insured, double insurance and insurable interest.


He sailed with skill, stopping way on the boat without exciting the notice of the wranglers, and mentally forgiving his hardest voyages in that they had made this marvellous night possible, giving him mastery over sea and boat and wind so that he could sail with her beside him, her dear weight against him on his shoulder.


He sailed with skill, stopping way on the boat without exciting the notice of the wranglers, and mentally forgiving his hardest voyages in that they had made this marvellous night possible, giving him mastery over sea and boat and wind so that he could sail with her beside him, her dear weight against him on his shoulder.


Article 15 Where a project of which the total dumping volume of dredged stuff is less than 500,000 steres needs to use a temporary ocean dumping site, the specific demonstration may be carried out by a selection and demarcation technology entity on the basis of collecting the existing natural environmental and social and economic materials of the dumping site and the sea areas around, and a report on selection and demarcation may be directly drawn up by that entity.


"In that day the Lord, with his great and strong and cruel sword, will send punishment on Leviathan, the quick-moving snake, and on Leviathan, the twisted snake; and he will put to death the dragon which is in the sea."


At sea aboard USS Abraham Lincoln on Nov. 2, 2002, lightning fills the horizon, and lights up the flight deck and air wing aircraft parked on the ships forward elevator and bow.

在海上亚伯拉罕林肯号航空母舰上的11月2日, 2002年,闪电填补了视野,发亮的飞行甲板和空中固定翼飞机停泊的船舶语着电梯和弓箭。

As soon as I came to the Sea Shore, I was surpriz'd to see that I had taken up my Lot on the worst Side of the Island; for here indeed the Shore was cover'd with innumerable Turtles, whereas on the other Side I had found but three in a Year and half.


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Peter On The White Sea
On The Sea
Petals On The Sea
Alone On The Sea
Toiler On The Sea
On The Sea

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
