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on the sea相关的网络例句

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与 on the sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the policies we have written and retained entirely for our own account are (1)$578 million of property coverage for a South American refinery once a loss there exceeds $1 billion;(2)$1 billion of non-cancelable third-party liability coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism at several large international airlines;(3)£500 million of property coverage on a large North Sea oil platform, covering losses from terrorism and sabotage, above £600 million that the insured retained or reinsured elsewhere; and (4) significant coverage on the Sears Tower, including losses caused by terrorism, above a $500 million threshold.

自从 911 事件发生之后,Ajit 就变得异常忙碌,在我们承接且全部自留在公司帐上的保单,主要有(1)南美洲炼油厂损失超过 10 亿美元以上的 5.78 亿美元意外险(2)数家国际航空公司 10 亿美元恐怖份子攻击事件不得撤销第三责任险(3)北海原油平台 5 亿英镑恐怖份子攻击及恶意破坏的产物意外险,以及超过 6 亿英镑以上业者自留或再保损失(4)芝加哥 Sears 大楼恐怖份子攻击事件超过 5 亿美元以上的损失等;此外我们也接了许多项超大型的意外险,例如世界杯足球赛以及 2002 年冬季奥运等,但不论是那一件个案,我们都尽量避免会发生连锁反应大量累积损失的保单,比如说,我们不会一口气接下位于同一个大都会的办公及住宅大楼大量的意外险,除非排除核子爆炸及后续可能引发的火灾损失。

However, in this field of study in China there still exists five points of issues as follows:(1) the forecast of natural gas hydrate resource at the sea is exaggerated;(2) studies on hydrate reservoiring dynamics, reservoiring system, and especially the hydrocarbon source are not enough as well;(3) research on physical stratigraphy of hydrate sedimentary reservoir rocks is still blank;(4) the relationships among the BSR in the seismic profile, blind zone of amplitude, and sedimentary reservoir are still unknown;(5) the exploration technical studies are not complete and systematic yet.


Dr. Friedman, who cut his teeth on the Halley's Comet proposal, has long sought to weigh anchor in space. An effort by the Planetary Society and the Russian Academy of Sciences to launch a sail about 100 feet on a side, known as Cosmos-1, from a Russian missile submarine in June 2005 ended with what Ms. Druyan called "our beautiful spacecraft" at the bottom of the Barents Sea.


" The adventure with sea thief endless king " game will use the story of a play or opera that starts completely formerly, and have achieve a character to come on stage formerly, the treasure that a mystery angled when gut tells about a road to fly in fishing bead, and angle treasure bead while marine abrupt however apophysis an isle, the boat because of key bump and destroy, the companion on the boat also scatters accordingly everywhere.

海贼王 无尽的冒险》游戏将采用完全原创的剧情,并且有原创人物登场,剧情讲述路飞在钓鱼时钓起了一颗神秘的宝珠,而钓起宝珠的同时海底却忽然隆起一座小岛,船因暗礁的撞击而毁坏,船上的同伴也因此散落四处。

Let's say such a scene: the estimated battle range is less than 400 sq.km, and the fort may be set up on various landforms such as top of a mountain, cliff side, gorge, inside a gorge cliff, desert, floating platform on a sea, basin, plain, virgin forest, behind a large fall, underground grotto, the fighters chase one another attacking, or work with gunboat for mastery of the sky.


Third, based on the spreading and floading prediction result of spilled oil at Liaodong Bay ice field, the paper establishes spilled oil damage factors index system and their quantization standard combining with damage factors of the natural environment and natural resource conditions of oil spill sea field , spilled oil characteristics and spilled oil quantity and so on.


Of class of content of high school student a historical data were provided in teaching complementary book, say the most breathtaking on the history " a plague of locusts " happened 1889, at that time " locust appears for nothing on the Red Sea group, about 250 billion, flying outdated sound brace up several lis, block day my day ".


The 130 liter/34 gallon Red Sea MAX combines all of the technology necessary to grow and maintain a healthy reef in an elegant aquarium, allowing aquarists to focus on the joy and beauty of the hobby rather than on component selection and installation.


This thesis,based on Ezra Pound's imagist theory,conducts a systematic study on a series of images appeared in The Old Man and the Sea,with the aim of uncovering the seven eighths of the iceberg hidden under the text and so to have a tentative search of the author's philosophy of life.


At present, 4 companies that also include the sea to be believed inside only in the whole world are in a poor light large size LED group of model of source TV liquid crystal applies to the product, domestic company is first on research and development of technology of key of new-style flat TV is OK competed on coequal level with international tycoon.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
