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与 on the sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or, as an adolescent on the new Earth, he has his first shy love affairs with Ayl, Lll, and Mrs. Vhd Vhd; climbs up to the moon on a ladder as it looms hypnotically bright over him; watches the planet flood with its first color as an atmosphere forms; migrates as an adventurous young vertebrate from sea to land; or wanders the deserted plateaus as the last, lonely dinosaur, desperately wanting to belong.

后来,作为新诞生的地球上的一个青年,他有了同Ayl, Lll,和Vhd Vhd夫人的羞涩的初恋;当一架梯子出现在他梦里的时候,他顺着它爬到了月亮上;他观察地球上的洪水,以及由此形成的地球大气的第一道色彩;作为一个有冒险精神的年轻脊椎动物,他从海里移民到陆地上;作为一条最后的孤独的恐龙,他漫步在荒芜寂静的高原上,拼命的寻找自己的归属。

Based on the elementary principles of international crisis management, the paper makes a concise ,compendious and panoramic outline of the South China Sea Issue,with an emphasis on the nomological factors which help cause the problem, and the regional and out-of-region factors which make the matter increasingly complex together.


Despite ready access to the sea food, Liguria's best-known food is land-based in origin. Focaccia, the locals' answer to pizza, is right-angled cuts of tasty bread made with little more than flour, salt, olive oil and a few extras than vary depending on which town along the Italian Riviera you visit. The tastiest type hails from Recco, where Stracchino cheese ( Stracchino is a type of Italian cheese, typical of Lombardy which derives from the Italian word "stracca", meaning "tired". It is said that the milk from tired cows is richer in fats and more acidic. It is eaten very young, has a soft, creamy texture and normally a mild and delicate flavour. It is normally square in form.) gets sandwiched between two layers of bread and then served piping hot. Those not keen on stand-up lunches among the sun-lotioned throngs have plenty of alternatives though as rustic eateries are plentiful around Santa Margherita Ligure.

在乐乔亚区虽然海产唾手可食,可是最吸引人的美食还是当地类似 Pizza 整齐切片的 Focaccia 面包,口味与配料延著义大利 Riviera 地区而异,主要是由面粉、盐、橄榄油与洋葱等额外配料烤成,最美味的是来自 Genova 省 Recco 区的 Stracchino 起司夹心热三明治( Stracchino 起司是 Lombardy 地区的典型起司,Stracchino 源自义大利文&stracca&,原意是疲倦,产自疲倦乳牛的牛乳据闻更富脂肪与酸性;趁鲜食用,乳脂柔软富香气,以块状包装),它并非渴望在艳阳下囫囵吞枣的五脏庙祭品,但环绕 Santa Margherita Ligure 地区却有许多乡间小馆可让大家选择。

On the other hand,"Careless root " also be a Shuang Renjian, it is in sea Na Baichuan while also was destined the good and bad are intermingled of oneself: Because the doorsill is low, the originality that is full of creativeness admittedly a lot of, borrowed sorrily not little also, many mountain fastness products make the mockery on the network.


Of profound respect. On the eastern hill slope, there is a 37-meter-high steel framed watchtower, on its top, you can have a birds'-eye view of the forest sea, and connected hills, the pleasant panoramic view and the soughing of the wind in the pines make you feel relaxed and joyful.


From the top of the hill on the island we could see the blue sea on every hand.


Based on the second national baseline survey on marine pollution,the concentration,distribution and potential ecological risk of typical organic pollutants in the benthic mussels from the inshore areas of Yellow Sea were determined.


In this article, I will not analyze Vietnam's sovereigntyover the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes, but will instead focus on thelarger East Sea as a whole and provide an in-depth analysis of the nine-dashline China drew on the map attached to its diplomatic note.

在本篇文章中,我不会分析越南对Hoang Sa岛和TruongSa群岛的主权,但是会整体聚焦大东海以及深入分析中国外交照会上提供的九虚线。

Your mind is tossing on the ocean;There, where your argosies with portly sail,Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood,Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea


Workman's influence is felt most notably on the record's up-tempo numbers: The aforementioned "Eliot" swells to a climax of shuddering cellos; the gorgeous jaunt of "Sweet Ones" glides home on a sea of joyous backing vocals and handclaps; rousing closer "Bank Accounts" is sealed with a brilliant klezmer interlude and a dazzling sheen of brass.

Workman的影响在快节奏的歌曲中更加明显:上述的Eliot在颤抖的大提琴中膨胀至高潮;Sweet Ones在背景人声和拍手声中营造的绚烂归途;Bank Accounts像是被犹太民间音乐的间奏和黄铜制品的耀眼光泽所封印的令人振奋的墙角砖石。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
