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And E.N.E: Had they seen the Island, as I must necessarily suppose they did not, they must, as I thought, have endeavour'd to have sav'd themselves on Shore by the Help of their Boat; but their firing of Guns for Help, especially when they saw, as I imagin'd, my Fire, fill'd me with many Thoughts: First, I imagin'd that upon seeing my Light, they might have put themselves into their Boat, and have endeavour'd to make the Shore; but that the Sea going very high, they might have been cast away; other Times I imagin'd, that they might have lost their Boat before, as might be the Case many Ways; as particularly by the Breaking of the Sea upon their Ship, which many Times obliges Men to stave, or take in Pieces their Boat; and sometimes to throw it over-board with their own Hands: Other Times I imagin'd, they had some other Ship, or Ships in Company, who upon the Signals of Distress they had made, had taken them up, and carry'd them off: Other whiles I fancy'd, they were all gone off to Sea in their Boat, and being hurry'd away by the Current that I had been formerly in, were carry'd out into the great Ocean, where there was nothing but Misery and Perishing; and that perhaps they might by this Time think of starving, and of being in a Condition to eat one another.


Based on the monthly mean data of the sea level pressure and the sea surface temperature over the Pacific during the years of 1957-1976, we have calculated the lag correlation between the SST averaged over the eastern equatorial Pacific region (5°N-5°S, 80°-180°w) and the sea level pressure field of the North Pacific.


Bob lives together since childhood with Harker is adding the iris town, was the Harker childhood's playmate, the stature is not high, the hair from was born curls the volume, the eye was very big, the skin was very white, always likes putting on the suspenders trousers' his stature not to be high actually has the keen skill, the present is the brave warrior number operates the rudder, raised casually in here, the brave warrior number was their pirate ship, was also their family, in here, had the partner billy always to put on the identical set of western-style clothes, not the big bow tie, he was very actually graceful, high stature, fair skin, beautiful blue color eye, high bridge of the nose, will smile will let the human remember the fine thing, he will have gentleman's quiet and tasteful, also will have free man's profligate being unable to restrain, no matter which young lady let perhaps the woman looks could be infatuated with his -- him to be skilled in the seacraft, could precise draw each sea area the sailing chart, he was the brave warrior number navigation teacher, partner Du duly, the braid has covered entirely on his head, his eye a little looked like a bean, both hands is not big, actually could make compared to imperial palace delicacy food, what was worth mentioning, he was a thin person -- also has the partner to love Milly, he was Bob's younger sister, beautifulLong curl, big and attractive brown eye, long, but curls the eyelash, the beautiful skin, the beautiful beautiful fascinating' winsome's stature dances lightly in the sea!


Our oil from the Persian Gulf from across the Indian Ocean, through the Straits of Malacca, on the South China Sea, cross-Taiwan Strait into the East China Sea, the Sea of Japan, which is the lifeline of oil, the Chinese government if the blockade the Taiwan Strait, we must proceed from the cargo ship After there, our main force of destroyers and frigates will be deployed, the Chinese Navy saw the Japanese troops, will play immediately, then fight!


Tianjin, one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, is the door of Beijing, capital of China. In 1997, the State Council described her as the economic center of the Bohai-Sea-Ring area, as well as an important economic center of northern China. This function description has the following meanings: on the one hand, the development of Tianjin must eradiate the Bohai-Sea-Ring area, the north of China and even the whole nation; on the other hand, it requests Tianjin to step up to a higher position, function and influence in multinational regional cooperation, and hence to form an important base and green channel on economy cooperation in northern China.


Based on the high-resolution analysis of planktonic foraminiferal isotope and organic carbon of 91 sediment samples from two box cores located respectively in the southern and northern slopes of the South China Sea, the changes of sea surface temperature and paleoproductiviy of the past 2400 years were reconstructed. The sea surface temperature and the depth of thermocline varied in different stages during the late Holocene, with some short-term climate events such as the Little Ice Age.


Here we recorded six species sea anemones symbiosis with A. clarkii (n = 122) in Taiwan. Individuals of the melanistic morph were found only on Mertens' sea anemone, Stichodactyla mertensii, while individuals of the regular morph were rarely found on S. mertensii.

研究期间记录到克氏小丑鱼的宿主海葵共六种(n = 122),其中黑色型的个体仅出现於莫氏列指海葵中(n=17),而一般型的个体偶见与黑色型个体出现於该种海葵之上(n=6)。

Sea horse likes Renshen , standed by healty,longervity. There is a Night Pearl,in the girl's hand.She is lying on a big fish ,looking like to look for the peal from the sea bed .She stands by the pearl godly and wants to give the pearl to people .He calls the beautiful future.He stands the sun of sea.The Turtle is a propitions in fishing family.It's live very strong ,standed for youngers griming , stoughing.


Between 2,500 yr BP and 1,800 yr BP. This was a neo-glacial age with a cold snap. The ice-cap on the King George Island and Ardley Island advanced. Iso -static adjustment lowered the palaeo -first terrace at the edge of Ardley Island under the high tide sea level. This made the rookeries around Y2 lake disappear and Y2 lake changed into a lagoon. The fact of Y2 lake under the sea level was coincident with the radiocarbon age (2180±95 yr BP) of the modern third raised beach terrace with 14m-height above the sea level near Yin ' Ou lake in the Fildes Peninsula.

第二阶段,距今1,800至2,500年,该时期气候骤冷,温度急降,该时期乔治王岛的冰帽有所扩张,同时在阿德雷岛上也出现小规模冰进,由于&地壳均衡&补偿使得该岛边缘古一级阶地处于高潮海平面之下,Y2湖周围的企鹅聚居地消失,该时期 Y2湖沉积表现为泻湖相沉积,与 Y2湖相邻的 Fildes 半岛燕鸥湖边海拔14米的上升海滩的三级阶地14 C 年龄为2180±95yr。

Patterns in Nature: Sea Stars Ochre sea stars, like this pair in Burnaby Narrows on the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia, are normally purple but can adapt a wide variety of colors depending on individual habitat.


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On The Sea

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。