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on the sea相关的网络例句

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与 on the sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When used in a geographical sense, it means all the territory of the People's Republic of China, in which the Chinese laws relating to taxation apply, including its territorial seas, and any area beyond its territorial seas, within which the People's Republic of China has sovereign rights of exploration for and exploitation of the resources on the sea-bed and its sub-soil and superjacent water resources in accordance with the international law


She noticed how the countless pebbles on the sea-shore had been smoothed and rounded by the action of the water.


" One of his most-quoted saying is his own criticism of his discoveries:"I don't know what the world may think of my labours, but to myself it seems that I have been but as a child playing on the sea-shore; sometimes finding some prettier pebble or more beautiful shell than my companions, while the unbounded ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me.

" 被人引用最多的一句话是牛顿对自己发明的评价:"其实我不知道大家对我的成果怎么看,但对我来说,我只不过像是一个在海滩玩耍的孩子;只是比我的同伴多看见些漂亮的鹅卵石,或是美丽的贝壳,可大海般浩瀚无垠的真理还在等着我们去探索。

The "Silk Road on the Sea" is the first seafaring route in China's history.


There are pastoral Pastoral, the fragrance of fruits and tourist farms; Hawthorn ferry, the fishing boat on the sea idyllic; Zen holy sites, downtown Pure Land of the Phoenix Mountain; R scenery, picturesque scenery Shiyan Lake; Pinnacle wins mountain range, beautiful sheep Taishan ; Lin You-Hua Yan, the Peach Blossom Spring Huangruo Wonderland tourist centre; physical fitness, Shuxin pleasing-law of the health spa; swing洒脱, Fashion Leisure Golf and Country Club, Shijun Liulianwangfan….


Light streams through white, fluffy clouds and dances on the sea below, bouncing off the water in million of tiny sparkles; some of seagulls swirl in the sky and some of them swoop down and skim the water's surface.

法国大导演Eric Rohmer在一九八六年「绿光」这部电影里,传达一个理念:「传说如果能在生命中,看见落日的最后一道绿光,就可以得到幸福。

From April to September, several clusters of bamboos, 3 ~ 4 m long, 1 ~ 2 m wide, were set on the sea bed at a depth of 16 to 20 m to attract their spawning, and the egg-strings were then transported to the laboratory. When the development of the embryo reached stage 24, iris of eyes being prominent as a colour circle and statolith being formed, they were transferred into different rearing conditions, i.e., 20, 25, 30, 35 o/oo and 15, 20, 25, 30 oC. The durations from stage 24 to hatching were different among all different rearing conditions. The statoliths were extracted and mounted in Crystal Bond thermoplastic cement for reading their growth rings.

每年的四月到九月为东北角软丝主要的产卵季节,竹丛被设置在沙质海床上吸引成熟的个体前来产卵,将采集到的卵串带回实验室中培养,当胚胎发育至第二十四期的时候(胚胎的虹膜及平衡石开始生成),这些胚胎分别被转换至不同的温度及盐度条件之下培养,温度被控制在15, 20, 25, 30 oC 四种条件下,盐度则分为20, 25, 30, 35 o/oo 四种条件,共组成十六种不同的培养条件,从平衡石生成至幼体孵出所需要的时间随著培养条件的不同而有所差异,孵化所需要的时间会随著培养的温度而有很大的变化,低温的条件会将所需的时间增长许多,在正常的条件下(25oC,35o/oo),从平衡石出限制肤出约需要9~16天。

We landed on the Sea of Tranquility, in the cool of the early lunar morning, when the long shadows would aid our perception.


The problem was its lofty habitat: I could only watch these lovely insects floating gracefully on the sea breeze, high above the canopy of trees that shrouded the centre of the island.


Investigators will now try to determine where the two-engine plane hit the water, and where its wreckage is on the sea bed.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。