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on the point of相关的网络例句

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与 on the point of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis put up thorough research on the control of Top Lance system from the point of Expert control.


And from the government point of view, on the solution of the problem of landless peasants social security measures proposed six specific measures.


The word had even reached this low point at the time of Samuel Pepys who noted in his Diary on July 15,1665, after a hard day at the Exchequer:"And so to bed,to be up betimes by the helpe of a larum watch,which by chance I borrowed of my watchmaker today which my owne is mending."

The字,甚至达到这个最低点的时候谁塞缪尔佩皮斯在其日记7月15,1665 ,经过一天的大臣:"因此,睡觉,要及时最多的helpe弧菌的手表,其中的机会,我借我的钟表匠今天是我的owne修补。"

From the view point of supporting the project of Jiangsu scientific technology, this paper focused on the prototype of dynamic simulation and developed some advanced function modules of lathing simulation.


It is the product of the frictional force times the length of the leer arm; that is, the distance a gien point on the surface of the head moes during a gien arc of motion Fig.


In Chapter 2 is concerned the Lie point symmetry group of two type WKI equations based on the motions of plane and space curves by using the Lie classical method.


Based on the principle of light-pen mode non-track three dimensional coordinate measuring technology, the paper uses PSD as the photoelectric receiver and point light modulated by frequency to measure coordinates.

本文通过对光笔式无导轨三坐标测量的研究、提出了以PSD(Position Sensitive Detectors,位置检测传感器)作为光电接收传感器,用高频调制光作为点光源,进行位置坐标测量的新思路,以提高整机的精度。

The effects of radii of curvature of ellipsoids, surface entraining velocity, normal load at the contact point and the limiting shear stress on the distribution of pressure, profile and thickness of oil film, three dimensional shear stress and traction coefficient have been studied.


Based on the analysis of the infinite diffusion theory, the local condition of the reference point is deduced theoretically.


E Husserl, the scientist, logician, psychologist and philosopher, had founded several complicated systems, and kept changing the point on the basis of which he established his systems.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
