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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One sells the home to tell a reporter, it is pluvial snow weather on one hand in, the family that has a child shops no-goer, on the other hand, during a few families also need to be the Spring Festival, do " corner ", avoid the baby appears during the Spring Festival is off " run out of grain ".


Be in the tobacconist estate company below active system especially, cigarette market is had rate, on one hand it is one of target of key of reflective enterprise management outstanding achievement, on the other hand it is the synthesis with each the most intuitionistic job shows the company.


On one hand, each language develops harmoniously in this ecosystem. On the other hand, each language competes with each other. The changes of one or more languages will put the language cultural ecosystem in an unsteady state, and then causes the vicissitudes of language culture.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that the middle Station had the fewest Disasters, and was not exposd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarassd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplexd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enragd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Days Experience to know it more sensibly.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that expos'd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro' the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarass'd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplex'd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enrag'd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro' the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Day's Experience to know it more sensibly.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that the middle Station had the fewest Disasters, and was not expos'd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro' the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarass'd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplex'd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enrag'd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro' the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Day's Experience to know it more sensibly.


In my view, the fundamental reason to the current inability of cracking down on the act of ride seizing by force and the disputes on its conviction and punishment is due to, on one hand, the unreasonable stipulations on the essential elements constituting crime of seizing by force in current legal system and legal theory that give too much stress on the amount of infringed property and neglect the overall observation of the general circumstances of crime, thus causing the failure to impose criminal punishment on the ride seizers; on the other hand, the difference of Chinese legislation from other countries'.


One the one hand,"children" has the environment and background, which are specific to themselves. This is unlike the previous image, which is merely some kind of emergence from "darkness". In this way, the works get their own "context" and offer the viewers more evidence to interpret his works, which leaves the picture all the more complex and rich. On the other hand, the image of "children" with closed eyes makes its appearance in the picture besides that of "children" with wide-opened eyes. This new image does not indicate that the communication channel between Peng Jianzhong and his viewers was stopped. One the contrary, it is endowed with the implication of some kind of "introspection".


One the one hand,"children" has the environment and background, which are specific to themselves. This is unlike the previous image, which is merely some kind of emergence from "darkness". In this way, the works get their own "context" and offer the viewers more evidence to interpret his works, which leaves the picture all the more complex and rich. On the other hand, the image of "children" with closed eyes makes its appearance in the picture besides that of "children" with wide-opened eyes. This new image does not indicate that the communication channel between Peng Jianzhong and his viewers was stopped. One the contrary, it is endowed with the implication of some kind of "introspection". Probably, Peng Jianzhong has switched from the previous hasty "salvation" to the deep exploration into the crisis situation of human beings themselves as well as inquiry into the meaning of "salvation" itself.


Baidu and with dispatch together, it is to because the stock market is small,resist jointly on one hand confuse flow of brought website of finance and economics " cold winter ", it is mutual on the other hand " use ", with dispatch with period the admiral position that establishs website of finance and economics, and Baidu finance and economics also will be become from charge center suddenly change one's identity " the golden pheasant of unripe egg "


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
