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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the one hand, the tree of life project is helpful to select new model org...


B. Goods, which have been transported to the harbor but delayed due to some documentary problems, can be stored in the bonded warehouse temporarily, which can save the logistics cost on the one hand, ensure the goods management and keep the external packing of the goods good.


On the one hand, it is probably true that gay pride marches and changes in the law do less to reduce prejudice than homophobes discovering that friends are gay, and still normal.


On the one hand, we should make special efforts to improv e the investment environment.


In the current Chinese TV industry is prosperous, there exists a series of malaises, on the one hand, because of the market competition, is often a television has a good columns, throughout the country to imitate, complete and exclusive advantages of sense already did not exist.


Fortunately, much has happened in recent years that makes real progress in this regard, albeit in various ways, ranging form the study of typologies on the one hand, to the publication, for instance, of Alexander's A Pattern Language.


On the one hand, this growth came from the decrease of the proportions in total tax revenue of each taxations in the circulation tax system.


On the one hand, the learners were more likely to mark more salient past forms, supporting the Principle of Saliency: Specifically, irregular past was more accurately marked than regular past; suppletives were more accurately marked than other irregular past variants; and the regular non-syllabics were more accurately marked than the regular syllabics.


On the one hand, the degree of financial risk facing the corporate sector has fallen as the financial system has stabilised.


Diet is on the one hand, you can eat some plants that soy products increase estrogen, can also be used turtle soup wolfberry, or silkies astragaloside burning, such as the promotion of follicle growth dangshen.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
