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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the one hand, they act as if they are competent professionals.


We will adhere to the strategy of sustainable development and correctly handle the relations between economic development on the one hand and population, resources and the environment on the other , improve the eco-system and beautify the living environment, and improve public and social welfare facilities.


An overall assessmentof the military authoritarian regime would indicate both positive and negative aspects,such as advancing rapid economic growth and rising national living standard andenhanced Korean international influence on the one hand,and igoring the politicalprocedures,fostering military intervention in political process,expanding the powerof chaebol,oppressing the labour movements,enfeebling the politicalparties and creating regional cleavage on the other.


Third chapter—the praising of formidable vitality.On the one hand the writer eulogizes the earth motherhood in the rich folk lifeand the straightforward human nature, had found in the heart root for us; On the otherhand, causes the writer to the misery portrays the lowest level people's tenacious souland the tender feeling mind with affable and the dignified words unique.


When a sudden power failure or accident or normal pump stops when the pump stops, the valve inlet water velocity to reduce stress Agency, the valve plate also fall, when its velocity is zero (that is, inlet flow rate is zero Department), large valve plate because of its own gravity and rapidly turn off (time 3s ~ 5s), the majority of water to prevent backflow, when the valve before and after the formation of a water pressure, water stress, on the one hand through the small valve at the bottom of the three slot for pressure relief vent pressure. 4 water stress from the bypass tube into the cavity patch up the control room (this process for the suction pressure chamber that can effectively absorb the energy of water), when water stress on cavity than inferior vena cava, the pressure of water promote the diaphragm down mobile , the current cavity pressure of water being squeezed out all the small valve plate slowly drop back to standby status, the process time to ease closure adjustable (3s ~ 150s), then the valve has been fully closed, watertight.


While, on the one hand, the practice of asceticism was pushed to its utmost extremes of fanaticism, on the other the doctrine of bhakti was perverted into a system of gross sexual indulgence, for which the amours of Krishna and the Gopis served as the model and sanction.


As with the Army, the Marine Corps has a long, proud tradition of being able to master the most intense ground warfare on the one hand, and guard the peace in the most exotic trouble spots across the globe on the other.


This feature is very conspicuous, to take a single example, in "the Protestation of allegiance" drawn up by thirteen missioners, 31 Jan., 1603, in which they renounce all thought of "restoring the Catholic religion by the sword", profess their willingness "to persuade all Catholics to do the same" and conclude by declaring themselves ready on the one hand "to spend their blood in the defence of her Majesty" but on the other "rather to lose their lives than infringe the lawful authority of Christ's Catholic Church" Tierney-Dodd, III, p.

这一特点很突出,采取单一例如,在&抗议效忠&拟定了13个传教士, 1603年1月31号,他们在放弃一切思想的&恢复天主教的剑&,信奉自己的愿意&说服所有的天主教徒也这样做&,并宣布结束自己的准备,一方面&花他们的血液在捍卫她的陛下&,但对其他&,而失去他们的生命比侵犯合法授权的基督天主教会&(蒂尔尼-多德,三,山口趋)。

This shows, on the one hand, the influence of traditional Chinese compatibility and tolerance, and, on the other, the fact that since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 the Chinese government has formulated and carried out the policy of freedom of religious belief and established a politico-religious relationship that conforms to China's national conditions.


AG: The answer to the question is hard for me because, on the one hand, I think that we should feel really great about the fact that the Republican nominee -- certain nominee -- John McCain, and both of the finalists for the Democratic nomination -- all three have a very different and forward-leaning position on the climate crisis.


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基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。