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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plan devised a federal system of government under which the federal authority had limited powers while each province enjoyed greater autonomy, in the hope to maintain the unity of India on the one hand and to meet the demand of the Muslims for more autonomy on the other.


If from this brief review of Hellenist and Pseudepigraphic literature we turn to take a retrospect, we can scarcely fail to perceive, on the one hand, the development of the old, and on the other the preparation for the new, in other words, the grand expectancy awakened, and the grand preparation made.


Some metaphysicians contend that the relation between the lump and the statue, on the one hand, and the relation between Tib and Tibbles, on the other, cannot be fully understood in terms of the concepts of parthood and identity, but require a further concept, a non-mereological concept, the concept of "constitution": the pre-existent lump at a certain point in time comes to constitute the statue (or a certain quantity of gold or certain gold atoms that first constituted only the lump come to constitute them both); pre-existent Tib at a certain point in time comes to constitute Tibbles (or certain cat-flesh or certain molecules …).

一些形上学家承认在金块和雕像之间、Tib和Tibbles之间的关系,这些关系不能完全根据"parthood"和" identity"的概念进行理解,而必须要一个进一步的概念,一个non-mereological的概念,"构成"的概念:先在存在的金块在时间中的某个点构成了雕像(或,一定数量的金子或金粒子首先构成了金块,继而构成了这两个。)先在的Tib在某个时间点开始构成了Tibbles(或某些确定的猫肉、粒子等等)。

We cannot look into the souls of the Chinese tyrants, but I doubt that China is an intensely unstable system, riven by the democratic impulses of capitalism on the one hand, and the repressive practices of the regime on the other.


In the centre was that famous house No. 50, which was the fortress of Jeanne and her six hundred companions, and which, flanked on the one hand by a barricade at Saint-Merry, and on the other by a barricade of the Rue Maubuee, commanded three streets, the Rue des Arcis, the Rue Saint-Martin, and the Rue Aubry-le-Boucher, which it faced.


Which was the fortress of Jeanne and her six hundred companions, and which, flanked on the one hand by a barricade at Saint-Merry, and on the other by a barricade of the Rue Maubuee, commanded three streets, the Rue des Arcis, the Rue Saint-Martin, and the Rue Aubry-le-Boucher, which it faced.


In the centre was that famous house No. 50, which was the fortress of Jeanne her six hundred companions, which, flanked on the one hand by a barricade at Saint-Merry, on the other by a barricade of the Rue Maubuee, commanded three streets, the Rue des Arcis, the Rue Saint-Martin, the Rue Aubry-le-Boucher, which it faced.

中心是那座著名的第五十号房子,也就是 www.8ttt8.com 从前让娜和她一百零六位战友的堡垒,在它的两旁,一面是圣美里教堂的街垒,一面是莫布埃街的街垒,这三座街垒控制着三条街,阿尔西街、圣马尔丹街和正对面的奥白利屠夫街。

It is not possible within the limits of the present article to compare in detail the first Book with the Sarum on the one hand, and with the subsequent books on the other.


In the light of these considerations we can say that, on the one hand, liberalism decidedly has a voice in the political situation of ourtime; on the otherhand, however, today the ideas of autonomous, immanent reason and of the autonomous subject of economics are scarcely alive and fruitful; thus, the classical liberalism of the secularist and bourgeois-capitalist stamp may be pronounced dead.


In order to distinguish between the physical basis of the HH equations, in terms of the flow through the axon membrane of sodium and potassium ions, on the one hand, and the phenomena of excitation above a threshold value of stimulus, and propagation along the axon, on the other, it seemed that it would be useful to simplify their equations in order to isolate these properties from each other.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


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A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

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