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The difference in literary form between 1-3:8, on the one hand and 3:9-5, is very great indeed, and, taken together with the abrupt manner in which the panegyric on Wisdom is introduced at 3:9, suggests a difference with respect to origin.

之所以有不同的文学形式之间1-3:8 ,一方面和3:9-5 ,是非常伟大的确,和,加上突然以何种方式颂的智慧介绍了3点09 ,显示了他不同方面的原产地。

Regarded as meta-psychology in a sense, phenomenology is different from positivistic psychology on the one hand and speculative psychology and parapsychology on the other.


On the one hand, a particularist view of teaching skills as context-specific responses is liable to give hostages to the fortunes of those who claim that, since the art or craft of teaching rarely if ever involves the application of general rules and principles, it can only be learned via the hands-on school experience which renders college training largely redundant.


China also has a pawnshop, and you know that these pawn shops to have a high interest rate, and so on, so I think the banks should also conduct some small business loans, the interest of the business down, this is also the banks should be able to do on the one hand Work, and this is micro-finance.


He did not perceive that, along with genius, and pell-mell, he was admitting force, that is to say, that he was installing in two compartments of his idolatry, on the one hand that which is divine, on the other that which is brutal.


This essay, on the one hand, has made some reflections on "the sole structure" related with the core of his philosophy of history through a deeper com- prehension of this key term of "Axial Period" under the tension between historical absolutism an...


In these several articles consist the rights, or, as they are frequently termed, the liberties of Englishmen: liberties more generally talked of, than thoroughly understood; and yet highly necessary to be perfectly known and considered by every man of rank or property, lest his ignorance of the points whereon it is founded should hurry him into faction and licentiousness on the one hand, or a pusillanimous indifference and criminal submission on the other.


In fact you might sense that the whole field of biometrics and ID is rather like medical quackery: as usual, on the one hand we have snake oil salesmen promising the earth, and on the other a bunch of humanities graduates who don't understand technology, science or even human behaviour.

事实上,您可能会感觉到整个领域的生物识别技术和ID是一样,而不是医疗quackery :一切如常,一方面我们有蛇油推销员有前途的地球,以及对其他一批人文毕业生谁不明白技术,科学,甚至人类的行为。

Throughout empirical analyzing on the property development data of Shanghai satellite town since 1990, on the one hand it has confirmed the present characteristic of the real estate market that more and more market will be shared by satellite town.


With Mr Heathcliff, grim and saturnine, on the one hand, and Hareton, absolutely dumb, on the other, I made a somewhat cheerless meal, and bid adieu early.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。