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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its improperness lies in its parochial categorization of science as "positivism" and "utilitarianism" on the one hand, and its ex parte emphasis of human beings as the root as well as its oversimplified identification of humanistic spirit with artistic spirit on the other, which inevitably result in a more drastic separation an...


The contradiction betweenWest Europe on the one hand and the United States and the Soviet Union on theother is,in the final analysis,irremovable.


On the one hand,the paper analyzes the surporting effect of Likin on the finance of Guangxi from two sides,including the income and the payout of local finance.


A Moslem in Turkey -- whether Turk, Arab, or negro -- is simply a Moslem, and a Christian is a Roman, or Armenian, or Maronite, etc. Our Western idea of separating politics from religion, of being on the one hand loyal citizens of our country and on the other, as a quite distinct thing, members of some Church, is unknown in the East.


By doing so, they are on the one hand, betraying against the cause of proletariat and on the other, some cunning leaders misguide the people and make them ladders for fulfilling their vested personal interests.


The difference between the NOR and OR gate, on the one hand, and the NAND or AND gate, on the other, is to be noted.


On the one hand, there are intuitions, pressed from Descartes to Kripke, to the effect that the relation between conscious states and bodily states is fundamentally contingent.23 It can easily seem to us that there is no necessitation involved in the dependence of the mind on the brain.


It teeters back and forth between Realism, on the one hand, and Nominalism, on the other.


On the one hand, I am your manager, and on the other, I am also your friend.


On the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am also your friend.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。