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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the one hand, the equipment management of most domestic enterprises is based on BM and MP.


Filled with hills and short of land, the natural environment of this region greatly restricted the development of the agricultural economy on the one hand, and provided bounteous of forestry and mineral resources on the other.


It implies that there is, within any society, a delicate balance between individuality on the one hand and communality on the other; that the development of the self can only be meaningfully sought and attained in a context wherein the common good is also emphasized.


On the one hand, Lagrange hit upon the new idea to redefine the complete integral when he was inspired by his study on the first-order partial differential equation with the method of variation of constants.


Starting with the generally recognized results of New Testament criticism, he is enabled to show that the synoptic Gospels, on the one hand, and the undisputed Epistles of St. Paul, on the other, offer two independent, yet mutually corroborative, masses of evidence concerning the person and work of Jesus.


The reason why the book has left out some grammatical issues from discussion is two-fold :on the one hand ,it is intended to be a coursebook, not a grammar of comprehensive type ;on the other, the prospective readers are assumed to already have a reasonable amount of knowledge about grammar .


Facing the chances and challenges of network, China's TV medium is seeking for the complementary with network and trying for the further development actively by, on the one hand, establishing China's native website to realize its cybernation dissemination of information, on the other hands, promoting its course of digitization and cybernation to adapt the fury competition of global TV industry.


On the one hand it's a really long time, on the other - disgustingly short.


On the one hand, young couples dote on children, most of whom are the "only children".


If the philosophy of legal history were better understood in England, Lord Eldon''s services would be less exaggerated on the one hand and better appreciated on the other than they appear to be among contemporary lawyers.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。