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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the one hand, consumers are always in the dilemma that the traditional legal system cant easily solve in the process of the signing and fulfillment of E-contract. On the other hand, the rights of privacy and invented property of consumer such as personal data and invented equipment are always easily infracted due to the flow of information in E-commerce.


In experience analysis, giving actual rural-urban inequality as the jumping-off place, points out that our country have clear dual-economic and social struction characteristic, and analyze the reasons for which dual-economic and social struction is formed and retained; rural modernization is key to our countrys modernization for the following aspects,on the one hand, the problem of the farmer and rural and agriculture have strategic position and role, on the other hand, rural is the focus of a series of realistic problems; I closely grasp three mainlines of rural modernization, namely agriculture modernization and rural industrialization and rural-to-urban population migrants , we could make them united organically and make a research for them relatedly and discriminatingly, then some policy recommendations are offered.


This second form may be described as a negative theoretic atheism; and may be furthur viewed as cosmological or psychological, according as it is motived, on the one hand, by a consideration of the paucity of actual data available for the arguments proving the existence of a super-sensible and spiritual God, or, what amounts to the same thing, the attributing of all cosmic change and development to the self-contained potentialities of an eternal matter; or, on the other hand, by an empiric or theoretic estimate of the powers of reason working upon the data furnished by sense-perception.

这第二种形式可以被描述为一种消极的理论,无神论和可furthur看作是宇宙或心理,根据,因为这是motived ,一方面,是考虑到缺乏实际数据供论据证明存在一个超级理智和精神神,或相当于同样的事情,归功于所有宇宙的变化和发展,以自我载有潜力的一个永恒的事情,或在另一方面,由一个经验性或理论估计权力的原因,工作后,提供的数据感知觉。

This paper on the one hand give the conditions about how the enterprise can achieve the sustainalbe development of the enterprise by the analysis of the monopolies, oligopolies enterprises and SMEs, on the other hand, explain the process of the sustainalbe development of the enterprise by the analysis of the relation between entrepreneurial learning ability and the sustainalbe development of the enterprise.


To be brief, the English romanticism on the one hand further pushes ahead the project of modernity in the artistic or aesthetic field, but on the other hand it also launches a vehement aesthetic critique of modernity, thus resulting in the birth of aesthetic modernity; the Chinese romantic movement represented by the Creation Society is characterized by a different Janus'face: like English romanticism, it is a significant artistic articulation of the principle of subjectivity (which is the kernel of modernity) in its initial stage, yet influenced by the interaction of individual enlightenment and the national salvation, a pair of conflicting themes typical of China's modernity project, the Creation Society gradually turns to the left and consequently not only radically politicizes its romantic spirit but also ironically suppresses the search of modernity.


Nowadays, with the high- speed development of information technology, the application of the network is getting more and more extensive. On the one hand, for almost users, the dependence of the network becomes stronger. On the other hand, the requests of high speed and safeties of network have been presented .In 2002, It is so significant in the synthetical wiring realm of network to confirm the standard of the TIA/ EIA-568- B.


In the second chapter, Musical element analysis, the author starts with melody. On the one hand, the author analyzes the overall characteristic of the melody of Chopin"s scherzos; On the other hand, the author analyzes development technique of the melodic in Chopin"s scherzos.


This paper chose the Taiwanese local artist Lee Ming-Tse for the discussion of the relation between Taiwanese art and Taiwanese ideology. From Lee Ming-Tse's series of three pieces, namely "Gentleman Plays around" in 1993,"Emerging Desire and Ideas" in 1995, and "Hei, hei, hei" in 2005, the author analyzed the literators' breath, fantastic worlds, and ceremonial analogy presented in these works. On the one hand, the author meant to demonstrate the different stages of Lee Ming-Tse's compositional styles. On the other hand, the author tried to decipher all kinds of fascinating signs and symbolic systems, which wait for further interpretation, beyond his form style.


In recent years, with the cold-drawn steel market demand and the increasing requirements of the continuous improvement of products, factory on the one hand, intensify research and development of new products , On the other hand, the old technology to improve the product to meet the needs of users!


News management system management system is constitutes the enterprise website an important constituent, it is shouldering the double-decked function, on the one hand may use for the dynamic issue related new product or the new development project, on the other hand may promptly to the customer announce the enterprise manages the achievement, the technology and the research and development progresses, specially recommends or the preferential benefit engineering project, the product and the service, thus the attraction customer, expands the customer group.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。