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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, Alice's adventure, with its un-sequential events—as the plot "murdered time" in story suggests—creates a time without its chronological flowing, but a time suspended. The time is on the one hand a moment that suspensive, and is a most intensive instant on the other hand, where all the forces encounter, resonate and emit at this ultimate second. Thus, the Dream becomes a purely intensive world, and Alice is the continuum of intensities which constitutes by dynamically linked events.


The villager autonomy system in China has more than 20 years of time, in the 20 years of time, on the one hand, is the villager autonomy system perfect, on the other hand, the text again to the text from practice unceasingly, causing the villager autonomy to fully realize its governance performance.


Actually, the development of genetically-modified products is a double-edged sword: On the one hand, it contributes to the enhancement of the world crop yield, as well as the quality, and reduction of chemical fertilizer and the pesticide use, helps solution of the famine and undernourishment in developing countries. Besides, it also promotes the development of certain related industries like pharmaceutical and chemical industries; On the other hand, it also brings the unprecedented threat for human beings. We are unaware of the potential effects in human bodies, or any unknown injury to the next generation, caused by genetic modification. Nor can we forecast what kind of influence to the extant gene will emerge.


Position: as an integrating element of a culture, public buildings reflect the values of a society.a: on the one hand, public buildings vary in style from culture to culture, representing the different aesthetic values of respective cultures.b: on the other hand, the different functions that public buildings serve in different societies directly reveal the different ideals and ways of life in those societies.78、position: the best alternative is to modernize the city while preserving as much as possible its symbols of the past.a: first, historic capitals or cultural centers, which were carefully designed and meticulously constructed, should be preserved as wholesomely as possible, because they represent historic pinnacles of cultural and artistic sophistication.b: second, rare old buildings of lasting historic value that represent so e bygone era are worth preserving.c: finally, with advanced building technologies, city planers can even move the sporadic old buildings and put them together in a specially designated location.


Position: as an integrating element of a culture, public buildings reflect the values of a society.a: on the one hand, public buildings vary in style from culture to culture, representing the different aesthetic values of respective cultures.b: on the other hand, the different functions that public buildings serve in different societies directly reveal the different ideals and ways of life in those societies.78、position: the best alternative is to modernize the city while preserving as much as possible its symbols of the past.a: first, historic capitals or cultural centers, which were carefully designed and meticulously constructed, should be preserved as wholesomely as possible, because they represent historic pinnacles of cultural and artistic sophistication.b: second, rare old buildings of lasting historic value that represent some bygone era are worth preserving.c: finally, with advanced building technologies, city planers can even move the sporadic old buildings and put them together in a specially designated location.


On the one hand, the component method is introduced into flowchart design, which can not only enlarge the depth and the connotation of the flowchart, but also extend the traditional concepts of the flowchart. By combining the component method and the objectoriented method, it will be easy to illustrate the industry flow and meet with the future requirements of the industry control software. On the other hand, the trajectory concepts in plane moving, the method of using Bezier Curve to approach the 1/4 arc to implement the arc circumrotation, the method of using graphic elements' combination to extend the expression capability, and the method of combining the graphic elements'combination, three-dimensional graphic elements and bitmaps to realize the three-dimensional effects to express the industry flow more realistic are brought forward in this dissertation.


In connection with God's relation to the world we must avoid, on the one hand, the error of Pantheism, so characteristic of a great deal of present day thinking, with its denial of the transcendence of God and its assumption that the Being of God is really the substance of all things; and, on the other hand, the Deistic conception that God is indeed present in creation per potentiam, but not per essentiam et naturam, and acts upon the world from a distance.


Therefore, on the one hand this article has analyzed the motive and the predicament in the enterprise society responsibility information disclosure, and elaborates the enterprise social responsibility contents. On the other hand it discusses the inevitability for the enterprise to fulfill the social responsibility by the utility and benefit theory and deontological ethics, and perspectives input and output of the enterprise society responsibility with cost-benefit analysis.


Yet, once a worship of Confucian doctrine of Song and Ming dynasties and later a modern intellectual of liberalism, Mr. Cai was shown in his ideas to be deeply influenced by the tradition of "ideology first" on the one hand, and on the other hand, to be a unique modern enlightener, he reevaluated the traditional values according to the needs for survival in new conditions. So what he tried to do goes far beyond the explanatory power of the traditional ideology and the modernity, and rather, is an attempt to reconstruct them.


On the one hand, virtual environment has enriched and expanded the content of realistic environment, broadened the connotation of environment, and offered new field for creativity-oriented education; On the other hand, it has adjusted the subject-object relation, changed space-time idea, initiated the contradiction between virtuality and reality, thus caused the lose of autonomy and satisfied in inveracious creative activities.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。