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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last year, the thriving stock market, share-trading reform is the result of extreme prosperity is not normal, on the one hand, it reflects the investors eliminate the anxiety over the many years after the stock market in the future development of enhanced confidence, on the other hand, Part of institutional investors and rational investors over the next few years for "non-size" the lifting of the ban have the impact of psychological care, seize the moment to make a left.


On the one hand, we improve the mixed having and ternary method to express n from the standard non-singular elliptic curve with character 2. On the other hand, we improve the mixed binary and ternary method to express n from the standard elliptic curve with character more than 3 , and we generalize the mixed binary, ternary and quinary method to express n.


Regarding to the decomposition of redistributive effect in household financing, it showed that the inequity of household financing was, on the one hand, represented by the regressiveness of the financial system, namely vertical inequity, which accounted for 42%, and on the other hand, horizontal inequity accounted for 58% of the total inequity.


On the one hand, the population is booming in a city;On the other hand, the demand of the residenter in the city is higher and higher. Therefore, the underground pipeline becomes the Life Line of the city.


In the system, a lot of vibration sensors are laid in the differentplaces of the cabin and the field bus monitoring network system is found, which thesystem can real-time monitor the total ship noise. Thus, on the one hand the systemcan predict the sound field characteristic of typical navigation state in order toenhance the navigational reliability, on the other hand for effectively protecting thehealth of the sailorman and passenger, the certain technology that can reduce oreliminate the ship noise are adopted.


Shanxi lights, and its features are: on the one hand, the succession of the traditional art of lights, with lights all over the country the common characteristics of geographic resources in Shanxi Province, on the other hand to play advantage, with unique local characteristics, such aswang huo ,"the light of the sea of coal" light show with the Shanxi coal production.


Them in the "paper-cut" of this activity are mainly women, on the one hand from the instinctive expression of the original impulse of the reproductive, praise the proliferation of human reproductive and life, on the other hand, as well as women, for their recognition of the role of traditional birth and the conscious recognition of such self-praise.


Ancient times the Babylon civilization located the environment belonged to the subtropics desert climate, but benefitted from two rivers, young sent pulls the bottom river and the Tigris River mother's gracious gift, was having the exceptionally broad impact plain, but by was in the arid few rain in the middle of the desert climate, on the one hand thus created the local wooded area to be very few, on the other hand was the great plains which so stretched to the horizon smoothly like baffles, from this has become the sierra absolute forbidden area, from this occupied the plain center region people, even if wanted to use the firm stone material, also could because was far away, either was gives way before difficulties looks Shi Xing to sigh, either was after pays the extremely soaring price, shipped in by farSeveral stones only can use in actually carving the magnificent precious tombstone, even was in some plain person all not once has seen the mountain appearance for a lifetime, in brief took root in two river basin Cuban Billen civilization, finally is framed was the soil texture civilization, they created the cuneiform character, all could not but engrave above the thin clay tablet, was recording the exceptionally precious history, obviously in the different region humanity, all was influences subtly sparely no effort regarding the side each kind of environment resources use.


The dividend policy has special effect in the operation of companies. On the one hand, it is the logic continuing after companies financing and investment activity, also the certain result. On the other hand, the suitable dividend policy can not only make good image of companies but also stimulate the investors to keep their investment to the company, so that the company can get more opportunities and good condition for long-term and steady development.


After the introduction of brand into economics, the elevation of brand credit changes the demand curve. On the one hand the elevation of brand credit will decrease the choice cost of consumers effectively if other conditions remain unchanging. Consumers' nature of hastening for benefits and avoiding harm makes the demand increase at any price. On the other hand the elevation of brand credit will reduce merchandise demand elasticity and steepen the demand curve.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。