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The results show that:Changing the substituents of the phenyl rings,on the one hand,will influence the capacity of conjugation of the phenyl rings through S→N dative bond and furthermore influence the weak acid-dissociation of phenolic hydroxyl,on the other hand,will influence the geometric conformation of the compound and furthermore influence to form structure matched with membrane and water/membrane.


The occurrence of these affairses exposed the blemish of the market price mechanism on the one hand,;on the other hand, they also exposed a various system shortage that makes up the price mechanism, including the blemish of the auditing system of CPA.It reveals that we know the auditing activities of CPA deficiently,we should learn the auditing activities of CPA from the institutional height,and we should study、develop and perfect the auditing system of CPA.


In experience analysis, giving actual rural-urban inequality as the jumping-off place, points out that our country have clear dual-economic and social struction characteristic, and analyze the reasons for which dual-economic and social struction is formed and retained; rural modernization is key to our countrys modernization for the following aspects,on the one hand, the problem of the farmer and rural and agriculture have strategic position and role, on the other hand, rural is the focus of a series of realistic problems; I closely grasp three mainlines of rural modernization, namely agriculture modernization and rural industrialization and rural-to-urban population migrants , we could make them united organically and make a research for them relatedly and discriminatingly, then some policy recommendations are offered.


On the one hand, to analyze and summarize the characteristics of the historical architecture in the ancient town of Zhujiajiao as a whole through the census of the ancient town; and on the other hand, to explore and settle meticulously those which are existing, more valuable and have not been concerned, then work outing historical building assessments tables and drawing the corresponding mapping table drawings.


Under this solution, Plato justifies the possibility for soul of knowing the truth, and makes his way of truth possible. In this fighting, those with whom Plato fights are not those philosophers that are remarked by Aristotle in Metaphysics A 6.987a33-b10, but the philosopher of Elea, Parmenides. On the one hand, the key point of Plato's theory of Forms is coming from Parmenides' concept of Being, which is ungenerated and imperishable, yet on the other hand, the attempt for the possibility of saving the phenomena and for soul to know the truth is urging Plato to put Parmenides' claim to the question.

柏拉图在这当中所奋力搏斗的,主要并不是亚里士多德在《物理学以后诸篇》A 6.987a33-b10所提及的这些哲学家,而是历史上的这位伊利亚哲学家---巴曼尼德斯:柏拉图分离相论的核心来自巴曼尼德斯其毫无生灭变动的「完满的是」,然而,柏拉图拯救现象以及保全思考与知识的可能性的这个企图,却又是必须对巴曼尼德斯的「完满的是」提出批判。

Affecting, on the one hand, a show of indignation, as if he really believed in the political charge brought against the saint, he, on the other hand, refused to appoint a successor to the Alexandrian See, a thing which he might in consistency have been obliged to do had he taken seriously the condemnation proceedings carried through by the Eusebians at Tyre.


On the one hand,it is required to explicate the relations between the realization of the principle of human rights and the state power ;on the other hand,maybe,it is more important to perfect the system of the NPC.


From now no, China maintains and further enlarges the opening to the developed countries and regions on the one hand, on the other hand, accelerates to promote the opening to the developing countries and regions, in order to realize the basic balance in external space composition of China's economic opening to the outside world.


FOI On the one hand require government disclose information generated during the process of governing the society in the proper time and right manner, on the other hand, FOI also means government must meet the claims of the individual to access certain kinds of information.


On the one hand, the analysis and grasp of the above rules help us to deepen our recognition of Marxist value philosophy and its social development theory. On the other hand, it has theoretic guidance function for our coordination of conflict of interest, for the settlement of many kinds of social inequity problems and for the promotion of the modernization course of socialism of China and realization of well-being society.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


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A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。