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on the one hand...相关的网络例句

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与 on the one hand... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the developing course, we, on the one hand, have made full use of the best teaching and research resources which have been accumulated in many disciplines concerned . On the other hand, we do our utmost to create the brand of MPA Education in SCUT by expanding opening education, deepening the co-operation with well-known national or international universities and research institutes and absorbing their successful experience in Public Administration Education.


When the welding current is added, on the one hand,the section of arc will more or less increase, so the fusion width will increase; on the other hand, the depth of arc crater will increase.


Studies by the author show that the children of farmers-turned-workers demonstrate a conspicuous "ceiling effect" in their process of growth. On the one hand, they subscribe to the mainstream values and aspire for moving up the ladder in society. On the other hand, they are systematically resigned to self-abandonment.


Astragalus patients with coronary artery disease can significantly improve the function of red blood cell sodium pump to reduce intracellular sodium concentration, red blood cell function recovery on the one hand, on the other hand, is also conducive to the nutritional metabolism of myocardial cells.


On the one hand, because of its strong growth advantage, and other water weeds fight, fight fat, vying for sunlight; on the other hand is due to Solidago canadensis some of the roots secrete substances, these substances can inhibit the growth of sugar maple seedlings, but also inhibit own herbs, including germination.


On the one hand, Implication paradox provides semantics grounding for two conditional inference principles; on the other hand, the discovery of implication paradox arouses logicians discussion to the implication theory and makes them put forward many new implication theories such as: strict implication -, relevant implication and etc., and promotes the development of the implication theory and makes implication theory step down mysterious palace, and gradually penetrates into many other concrete sciences.


I want, on the one hand, to explain what the general propositional form is by analyzing "logical constants"; on the other hand, to reveal the tautological character of the logical proposition.


Coherence in translated text, on the one hand, is subject to the coherence mode of the source text, on the other hand, does not equal that of the source text.


When Frost said in this poem that Americans were "possessing what still were unpossessed by," he was saying on the one hand that proprietary rights of the land were at that time "unpossessed by" Great Britain, and on the other hand he was referring to the fact that Americans at that time had not yet loved this land, not having yet like a pair of passionate lovers in their sacred love integrated their souls and bodies into each other.


On the one hand, the response was represented by Constant and de Tocqueville's historical explanation of liberalism; on the other hand, it was more weightily represented by Bentham and Miller's explanation of utilitarianism.


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Driving With One Hand On The Wheel

In that case, Martin's death to the author Mo Bushi from real life, to deny Spencer, right?


According to the electrical diffraction of the conglomeration, the particles are A-zeolite crystals. In the surface of micro-crystal of A-zeolite, the cuboidal nano-crystal A-zeolite grows, so A-zeolite crystal steps can be observed with TEM.


Firstly, this paper analyzes the transmission style of diving machine in detail and selects hydrostatic transmission as transmission manner of Heavy Engineering Transporter.
