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on the face of it相关的网络例句

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与 on the face of it 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Break it sauce shape, wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face.


When you face forward from the cupboard there is a chest of drawers with my stereo on it.


If each tale of Han's exploits on Ord Mantell was taken at face value, then it's a wonder he keeps returning to the planet, so frequently do bounty hunters attack him.


All who have acquaintance with the dead know the curious smile that may creep over the human face ms rigor mortis sets in,4 a smile of special quality called by doctors risus sardonicus.5 The dog had this look, and it seemed to me probable that some ancient Oriental sculptor, in seeking an expression for temple guardians that would drive off evil spirits, had taken this death grin .s his model, and thus it had come down through hundreds of years to this beast looking out on Hiroshima.


However, when it came to topics of the most unamusing nature, he would burst out laughing, roaring while rocking in his chair, almost tipping off and falling flat on his back, his Adam's apple dancing up and down in his throat and his whisker fluttering all over his face.


Peony in Pengzhou largest cultivation base - Jinpeng Garden, the Liu Yuan, pointing to a piece of Moon, a huge flower, the peony fields full face proudly: These are unique peony varieties Pengzhou 'Chrysosplenium floor', It is China's largest peony petals. in 1999, we won the World Horticultural Exposition in Kunming International Silver, is on a single petals to reach the 880 'Chrysosplenium floor', pink corolla and Taiwan-based Court of the diameter can be it reached 35 centimeters!


One day, my daughter was playing beside my colleague Tonny who wore a pair of summer shorts with a length of thigh baring. She spotted there was thick fur on his thigh and touched it curiously with a hand, then comparatively felt the same section of her own thigh, and confirmatively touched his again. With her face turning odd, she bursted out a word abruptly just like she found the new land: What a wolf Uncle is like!


One day, my daughter was playing beside my colleague Tonny who wore a pair of summer shorts with a length of thigh baring. She spotted there was thick fur on his thigh and touched it curiously with a hand, then comparatively felt the same section of her own thigh, and confirmatively touched his again. With her face turning odd, she bursted out a word abruptly just like she found the new land: What a wolf Uncle is like!

杂谈 一日,浠浠坐在我同事Tonny旁边玩耍,那天Tonny穿了夏天的大裤衩而露出了一部分大腿,她发现他大腿上有浓浓的毛,便很好奇地伸手摸了摸,然后再摸摸自己的大腿,再摸摸Tonny的大腿,表情有些古怪,突然冒出一句:原来叔叔是大灰狼!

But if there is one thing these globetrotters agree on, it's that there is no substitute for face time with the Abu Dhabi moneyman who holds the key to the future; with the underling who is AWOL on e-mail; with the spouse and kids, who have been a little sullen and exasperated of late.

只是,如果有一件事是所有这些环球旅行者们都同意的,那就是,没有任何工具可以取代面对面的交流无论是去和那些对未来有重大影响的阿布扎比市的金融家交流;还是和不辞而别仅留下一封 Email 的下属交流;还是和近来有些郁闷恼火的配偶和孩子交流。

All who have acquaintance with the dead know the curious smile that may creep over the human face ms rigor mortis sets in,4 a smile of special quality called by doctors risus sardonicus.5 The dog had this look, and it seemed to me probable that some ancient Oriental sculptor, in seeking an expression for temple guardians that would drive off evil spirits, had taken this death grin .s his model, and thus it had come down through hundreds of years to this beast looking out on Hiroshima.


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On The Face Of It

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
