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on the bottom相关的网络例句

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与 on the bottom 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the safe side, we should use active soil pressure and passive soil pressure to calculate the support strength before T increased. That is RA=EA-EP Among them: RA ………… holding strength EA ………… composite force of active soil pressure EP ………… composite force of passive soil pressure Immediately, flexural torque distribution of enclosure wall can be counted. Mmax is the location of shear force zero. Equivalence beam method abridges. No matter which kind of supporting structure form, the key problem lies in the establishment depth of catch point, severity of support and enclosure wall, penetration depth and pit bottom quality of soil property.

单道锚杆支护结构计算分别采用静力平衡法及等值梁法,根据试算法插入深度t值需先进行假定墙的插入深度确定后来计算支撑力,为了安全起见,可按插入深度增大前的主动与被动土压力合力计算支撑力即 RA=EA-EP 式中:RA …………支撑力 EA …………主动土压力合力 EP …………被动土压力合力随之可求围护墙的弯矩分布,Mmax为剪力为零点的位置,等值梁法的计算略述。

The Acetabula on top of head, with this equipment they travel all arround world under the bottom of whale or a big ship.


Based on the mechanism of water coning of horizontal wells in bottom-water drive reservoir the critical production pressure difference is obtained.


At 14 days after operation, VCAM-1 was still positive on the surface of uncovered endothelium, while more abundant expression was seen in the bottom of neointima near internal elastic lamina. Conclusions NF-κB activation and VCAM-1 expression participate in the inflammation of rat denudated artery.


Under action of wind in same direction with flood and for the reason of surface stress, the whole salinity both in surface layer and bottom layer are increase a little, while, the practical cases in estuary are complicated, and the existence of wind may effect on the distributaries between groove and shoal, so exceptions will be natural.


Ze-Gen, based in Massachusetts, gasifies waste by injecting it into molten steel. The syngas rises through the pool, heavy metals sink to the bottom and other contaminants form a slag on top.


This can be done by clicking on "CrossLoop" minimized in the tray at the bottom of your screen.

这可以通过点击& crossloop &最小化在托盘在底部的屏幕上。

Gonzalez extended it to 3-1 with an RBI single in the fourth, but the Yankees tied it up in the bottom of the frame on Bernie Williams' two-run double against Julian Tavarez, a ball misplayed by Pena in left field.

o; ?1 Q# ^ Gonzalez在第4局再以1分打点安打将比分拉大到3-1 但是老将Bernie在4局下靠著红袜左外野手Pena再一次的帮忙打出追平比数的2分打点2垒打

E' W; d' l- s, gwww.wangfans.com Gonzalez extended it to 3-1 with an RBI single in the fourth, but the Yankees tied it up in the bottom of the frame on Bernie Williams' two-run double against Julian Tavarez, a ball misplayed by Pena in left field.

Gonzalez在第4局再以1分打点安打将比分拉大到3-1 但是老将Bernie在4局下靠著红袜左外野手Pena再一次的帮忙打出追平比数的2分打点2垒打王建民加油站4 ; I' w# X5 T9 c' h A$ Y1 a3 q

The main fruits and cognition are as follows:1 .On the base of collecting and neatening some data about this area, using sequence stratigraphy theory and the traditional method of cycle correlation, combining core observation with well log interpretion, set up subtle stratum contrasting framework section, and Chang-6 formation is divided nine substratums from top to bottom.

本次研究所取得的主要成果及认识有: 1、在对研究区已有取心井段的相关资料进行收集与整理的基础上,应用层序地层学理论与传统沉积旋回小层对比方法,结合岩心观察与测井解释,建立以小层为单位的精细地层对比骨架剖面,将研究区长6油层组自上而下细分为9个不同级别的小层。

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Down On The Bottom

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
