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on the bottom相关的网络例句

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与 on the bottom 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the red symbolic revolution, on flag's five five pointed stars and the reciprocity symbolize the Communist Party of China to lead the revolutionary people great solidarity; The star is for appears with the yellow on the red bottom the light, the yellow compares the white brightly beautiful; Four small five pointed stars have a point to treat the big star central point respectively, indicated that revolves a center to unite, US: The flag surface top left-hand corner for the blue color star area, in the area altogether has 9 row of 50 white five pointed stars, by row of 6, row of 5 interlocks.


The bottom of panel that lie on the incoming of cable in made of the stainless steel panel,It is uncork, disassembly so that working on the local.


Mr. Pickwick leads the old lady (who has been very eloquent on the subject of Lady Tollimglower) to the top of a long table; Wardle takes the bottom; the friends arrange themselves on either side; Sam takes his station behind his master's chair; the laughter and talking cease; Mr.


Through the simulate experiment, the studies on the eeffects of decomposition of the bait in a shrimp-pond on the water quality, changes of the water quality after the replacement of the seawater and after the removal of the remain bait coved the pond-bottom were done.


Plastic printed cards and membership cards to make the plate cylinder truck with a good book Edition, set machine that could stay out of the bottom side of the head, collers, minithoracotomy, and so on location, xcopying of collers 印张 for the page number and proofing for comparison on in order to prohibit imposition disnature, reverse caused by collers business card printing and membership card making quality accident.


Simulation results verify that insulated board can effectively protect the heat from transferring into the foundations, and the frozen table is always around the lower bottom of the boards; the position of the frozen table with insulated boards is higher than that of without; the embank- ment formation has a better effect on the center of embankment, the shoulder and toe of the roads than others; after consideration of the construction effect, the best lay out of the insulated boards is higher than the position of natural ground surface to 0.3-0.6 m; this formation of the embankments is the right effective constructer to be used in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

通过数值模拟可知:保温板能够有效地阻止热量由路基面向下传入地基中,使0℃等温线始终在保温板底层;复合路基多年冻土上限的位置要比无保温板时的高;该结构形式对路基中心、路肩和坡脚下的多年冻土上限抬升的综合效果更好;考虑施工条件后,复合路基在保温板铺设距离天然地面之上0.3~0.6 m对于路基稳定性最为有利;该路基结构形式为青藏铁路多年冻土区路基的理想结构形式,有利于克服全球变暖的影响。

A handsome gentleman outlook, exact embattle on the court, devise strategies within a command tent, excellent personality fascination and communications. He is the man who knows how to use psychology and philosophy to discover a player's biggest potential. Everyone under his command admires him from the bottom of the heart. Phil's players strictly do what the coach tells them to do on the court, and that's why Phil Jackson can build up the strongest team ever.

风度翩翩的外表,精密的排兵布阵,运筹帷幄的战术安排,极高的人格魅力和感染力,最懂得用心理学和哲学去发觉一个球员的最大潜能,他手下的每个球员都对他怀有一份崇敬,在场上严格执行他的战术,所以Phil 可以打造出无坚不摧的球队,让我们再对这位哲学大师、心理学大师、球场兵法大家说一声:佩服佩服!!!

" Hong"…… is along with Qingdao for boat for Qingdao for big ringing, beauty resembling the on the water sailing ascending the big storm sink intoing the bottom of sea, satisfiedly through vicissitudes of life of a voice, change intoed the underwater city, a short moment, lightning flashes thunder the ming , storm rise everywhere, shot of dashing and crashing wave row coast, drown a door door house, blew to turn over the tower of a, peopled to painfully sad to want the desperate, thoroughly despair, in these persons, the husband and wife two depend on each other for life, wife yang jeremiad of day

& 哄&……随着一声声巨响,美丽的青岛就像在海上航行的小船遇上了大风暴沉入了海底,饱经沧桑的青岛,变为了水下城市,霎时间,电闪雷鸣,风暴四起,汹涌澎湃的海浪排击着海岸,淹没了一户户家,吹翻了一座座塔,人们悲痛欲绝,彻底绝望了,在这些人中,夫妻俩相依为命,妻子仰天悲叹

Grand Canyon precipice on the bare rock era of large-span, both formed 20 million years ago schist Vishnu (Vishnu Schist, located in Inner Gorge at the bottom), and 2.3 billion years ago formed the limestone Keba (Kaibab Limestone, located on the shore).

大峡谷崖壁上裸露的岩层年代跨度很大,既有20亿年前形成的毗湿奴片岩(Vishnu Schist,位于 Inner Gorge 底部),又有2.3亿年前形成的凯巴灰岩(Kaibab Limestone,位于岸上)。

Based on the previous research on the deposition of amorphous/microcrystalline silicon tandem solar cells, silane concentration for the deposition of microcrystalline bottom cell was selected to further optimize the performance for micromorph tandem solar cells using very high frequency technique. Finally, micromorph silicon tandem solar cell with 11.02%(Area=1.0cm2) initial conversion efficiency has been fabricated at a certain silane concentration and suitable light trapping structure.


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Down On The Bottom

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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