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But when this light beam was a point of view into a small acute angle, the light energy will be returned only on the surface of reflection, but merely illuminate the thin cell wall.
But when it into a light beam was a small acute angle, the light energy will be returned only on the surface of reflection, but merely illuminate the thin cell wall.
One is the effect of LT crack of wood on wood transverse bending property. Birch, ash tree, walnut are studied, and it appears that under the bending loads the bending strength of the beam with crack will decrease, but not obviously .
In this paper, experiments research and theoretical analysis on the strengthened simple beam deflection is carried out, with the characteristics of external prestressing strengthening technology.
The influences of the load parameter and the materialparameter on the deflection of the beam are considered respectively.
The acquisition of ship motion and wave loading is based on the linear response of ship in harmonic wave and calculated by ship with no speed running beam sea, which is believed the most dangerous loading condition for SWATH ship according to the ship model testing results.
The influence of excessive etching on the performance of the beam splitter/combiner during fabrication is analyzed deeply.
Based on the Jones matrix, using polariser, beam splitter and lock-in amplifier and microprocessor, a testing and automatic processing system for the data was constructed.
In order to have further information about the degree of concrete carbonization influenced by wind pressure and based on the present theories and researches,the experiment with T-type beam concrete carbonisation accelerated by wind pressure was performed.
Such as angle grinder, wire brush, needle beam pneumatic rust, and wind knock rust hammers, gear-type rotary rust, etc., are semi-mechanized equipment, tools, light, mobility, and to more thoroughly to rust , old coatings, the coating can be played on the shelf hair treatment, significantly more efficient than manual derusting increased up to 1 ~ 2m2 / h, but can not remove the oxide skin, the smaller surface roughness and can not achieve high-quality surface to deal with quality, ergonomic handle lower than the jet.
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Lugalbanda was a god and shepherd king of Uruk where he was worshipped for over a thousand years.
Lugalbanda 是神和被崇拜了一千年多 Uruk古埃及喜克索王朝国王。
I am coming just now,' and went on perfuming himself with Hunut, then he came and sat.
我来只是现在,'歼灭战perfuming自己与胡努特,那麼,他来到和SAT 。
The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and of St.