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According to evaluation of the thermal, hydraulic, environmental and mechanic characteristics and energy performance of building and VAV air-conditioning system, and evaluation of the control performance of local control loops using the simulator of VAV system, this paper presents five on-line supervisory control strategies for local control loops: on-line optimization of VAV supply air static pressure set-point, on-line optimization of AHU supply air temperature set-point, on-line optimization of on/off set of CAV sub-system, on-line optimization of outdoor air set-point and on-line optimization of chilled water secondary pump pressure set-point.


Finally, it analyses the time complexity of the algorithm and researches how it is influenced by culture operator.3、The paper presents the evaluation standard of the GA's application capability. Basing on characters such as continuity, multi-peak, vibration, randomicity as well as large-scale, five functions are selected to test search ability and robustcity of co-evolution algorithm. Finally, it analyses the simulation result and researches the influence of algorithm brought by culture operators.4、Basing on the concept of collection overcast, it researches the task distribution issue and constitutes delaminated math model on task distribution issue. It puts out the co-evolution algorithm of subtask's decomposing. The experiment compare IGA、SGA to CN and validates the efficiency of co-evolution algorithm on the NP completeness issue.5、Being aim at the optimization issue of load of antenna near ground, it combines many GA strategies and puts forward strategic meme. And it puts out co-evolution algorithm of load of antenna design. And it emulates the optimization design of load of antenna near ground. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the continuum search issues of multi-variable and multi-peak value.6、Being aiming at the knowledge of image model matching, it adopts single meme and real code. It puts out fast co-evolution matching algorithm strategy. Basing on NPROD resemble measurement, I emulate the indiscrimination model matching and discrimination model matching. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the real code and real time search issue.


In this paper, searching technology of product information based on knowledge was researched. On the aspect of cognition, we researched the relation between user\'s cognition and designer\'s cognition, explored the knowledge flow in the process of product development, set up a matching model between user\'s knowledge and designer\'s knowledge, brought forward a modeling method based on users\' cognition, and set up a measurable model of product feature; coded and decoded product form element, set up a computer aided product form design system and image evaluating system based on the result of measurement. Accordingly, the product style and product image were systematically discussed, the recognition space of product style and image was constructed, the factors that affect product style and image were put forwards and analyzed, and the relation between product image and form elements was tested by experiments. Furthermore, the product automatic recognition technologies were discussed.And then, with the media of concept model and the kernel of parameter technology, a mathematic model that describing product layout design by constraints and rules was presented. Furthermore, a product design integration system based on imagery thinking including product fonii base system based on imagery thinking, product form design system based on imagery thinking and product form intelligent design system based on space layout were set up, which tested the system and provided a new way for product innovative design.


We introduce convex,and in particular semidefinite,optimization methods,duality and complexity theory to shed new light to this relation for the single stock problem, given moments of the prices of the underlying assets,we show that we can find best possible bounds on option prices with general payoff funcations efficiently,either algorithmically(solving a semidefinite optimization problem)or in closed form, conversely,given observable option prices,we provide best possible bounds on moments of the prices of the underlying assets,as well as on the prices of the other options on the same asset by sovling linear optimization problems for options that are affected by multiple stocks either directly(the payoff of the option depends on multiple stocks)or indirectly(we have information on correlations between stock prices),we find on-optimal bounds using convex optimization methods,however,we show that it is NP-hard to find best possible bounds in multiple dimensions,we extend our results to incorporate transactions costs,this paper,in theory and practice can provide a reference to researchers and designers about Chinese financial derivative products,the full text is divided into six chapters as follows: ChapterⅠ:Papers on the background and significance of the subjects on a number of option pricing models as well as their advantages and shortcomings of the model and describes the status of research and writing papers and the main contents of the basic idea.


Based on research findings on enterprise trainers inside and outside China, breadthwise on three levels: macroscopical level, on medium level and on microcosmic level, the paper conducts deeply analysis on the profession of enterprise trainers including analysis on job patterns, on roles and on professional competence.


The soil erodibilities are compared and appraised for the majority of the soil types in Ningxia. The method published by D. W. Fryrear et al is adopted to calculate erodible fractions for the soils in Ningxia. The erodibilities of main soil types are compared and analyzed. Spatial distribution of soil erodibilities in the region can be perceived on the Map of Ningxia Soil Erodibility. The map is based on the digitized map of soil types of the all region by means of the geographical information system of Region Manager. Evaluation results show that erodible soils occupy a large portion of the total area of the region.(3) The third task is evaluation of effects of human activities for farming on soil erodibility. Tillage and cultivation can alter soil properties. The paper, based on the discussion on the characteristics of farmland suffering wind erosion in the region, analyzes the contents and intensities of farming disturbing surface soil. Emphasis is paid on the effect of farming on erodibilities of each type of soil.

W Fryrear等人的计算土壤可蚀部分含量的方程,此方程的自变量包括土壤有机质、碳酸钙、沙粒含量、沙粘比,计算了宁夏主要土壤类型表层的可蚀含量,进而比较它们的可蚀性,并以宁夏土壤分布图为底图用地理信息系统建立了宁夏土壤风蚀数据库,完成了宁夏土壤可蚀性图,评价结果显示宁夏地区主要的土壤类型较容易遭受风蚀;(3)农业经营对土壤风蚀的影响及其评价,在分析宁夏农业土壤遭受风蚀特征的基础上,首先讨论了农业活动对土壤理化性质的干扰,评价主要耕作栽培措施对土壤风蚀的影响,选取粗糙度、表面结皮、可蚀颗粒含量、留茬和有效时间为指标,用打分方法作了评价。

On March 26," news morning paper " after the report is given out, hubei saves disappear appoint solemn statement is issued on the website such as net of chaste tree Hunan, claim " news morning paper reports libel falsely ".


This paper introduces the studies of the ultra-short Thomson scattering X-ray source at the accelerator laboratory of Tsinghua University in recent years. Properties such as the photon yield,the pulse length and time jitter of the produced photon pulse were predicted theoretically from the parameters of the electron bunch and the laser pulse,and the scattering angle. Preliminary experiments were successfully carried out with a 16 MeV backward-traveling-wave accelerator and the ns-Q switched laser provided by China Academy of Engineering Physics. This paper also introduces the 1.6-cell electron gun that was fabricated on site and the experiment with high RF power including the measurement of the electron bunche parameters. Based on these,we have designed an X-ray source,which is now under construction.

介绍了清华大学加速器实验室近年来关于汤姆逊散射超短X射线源的研究工作;研究了在任意散射角度下电子束参数和激光束参数对散射光子参数的影响,给出了散射光子的参数如光子产额、脉冲长度、时间抖动等与电子束参数、激光束参数和散射角度的关系;利用实验室已有的16 MeV反波行波加速器与中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心提供的ns调Q激光搭建了汤姆逊散射初步实验平台并开展了实验研究;加工了1.6-cell光阴极微波电子枪,搭建了高功率实验平台,对产生的电子束参数进行了初步测量;对汤姆逊散射超短X射线源进行了设计并开展了相关的平台建设工作,对产生的X射线脉冲参数进行了模拟。

The paper firstly examines the philosophical background. It holds that philosophical currents such as phenomenology and existentialism have an effect on this theory to some degree, and then traces the inner logic of origin and development of the theory from post-modernism and "anti-cultural" trend. Afterwards, it generalizes several important post-modern theorists such as Alain Robbe-Grillet, Roland Barthes, Susan Sontag, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Baudrillard and so on. The paper proposes that "against-interpretation" is not only a literary critical claim, but also a cultural theory. Its attitude that overthrows and rebells tradition makes it inevitably tend towards the logic of deconstruction.Chapter two, chapter three and chapter four analyze in detail of Robbe-Grillet, sontag and Baudrillard respectively, and systematicly discuss the aesthetics pursuit and the cultural significance of the theory against interpretation through comparing the thoughts of them.


Firstly, on the basis of summarizing related research home and abroad, this paper introduces the Kano model, defines the characteristics of food quality from natural quality, expected quality and charming quality; Based on the study of the concept of system, management system and quality management system, this paper defines the concept of quality management system of food safety; it also studies the supporting relationship of GMP, SSOP and HACCP system, as well as the feasibility of the integration of the ISO 22000 standard and the ISO9001 standard, which lay a theoretical foundation for the establishment of quality management system of food safety.

本文主要研究工作如下: 1、在综述国内外相关研究成果的基础上,引入Kano模型理论,从理所当然质量、期望质量和魅力质量三方面对食品质量的特性进行了界定;在研究体系、管理体系、质量管理体系概念的基础上,对食品安全质量管理体系的概念进行定义;研究了GMP、SSOP与HACCP体系的支撑关系以及ISO22000标准与ISO9001标准整合的可行性,为超市食品安全质量管理体系的构建研究奠定理论基础。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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