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Two main aspects of the research work are as follows:(1) The paper introduces the experimental ice forces on semi-circular breakwaters which is made by State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering of Dalian University of Technology and calculate the ice value for different radius semi-circular component, based on which it speculates on that horizontal ice value and water level accord with biquadratic polynomial function, meanwhile, the paper analyses incidence of ice heap to horizontal ice value of semi-circular component.


Some valuable works in the paper include: First, based on the algorithm of based-cell detection, the paper presented a dynamic adjustment function on "M" which can work out a problem of outliers fault-making on boundary cell.

总结本文的研究内容,主要有如下创新: 1、在基于单元的孤立点数据挖掘算法基础上,针对边界单元格出现的孤立点误判问题,给出了对M值进行动态调整函数。

At the same time, combining with the actual condition of delivery pipeline of our country and some prevalent leak detection and location methods, this paper raised a method, which is based on wavelet analysis and negative- pressure-wave to detect and locate the leakage. Jobs in the paper are as follows:As affected by gas density, pressure, specific heat and pipe material, the velocity of negative-pressure-wave improved depending on the energy conservation. At one time, taking the affection of velocity of gas flow, the location formula was modified in some degree.When locating the leaks with location formula, the iterative approach algorithm was adopted as a new method to increase the location accuracy level of system.Multi-scale decomposition and reconstruction of wavelet transform is utilized to filter the noise of negative-pressure-wave, which was brought by leakage. With the capacity to detect the signal singularity fast and accurately, wavelet transform was used to catch the break point of pressure signal. The work improved the accuracy of At in location formula, accordingly improved the location accuracy.Wavelet is a suitable tool for signal analysis. The distinct character is that the mother-wavelet is of optional. That means choosing different mother-wavelet will get different analysis result. So we studied how to choose mother-wavelet and its scale for signal singularity detection. The method is to choose a wavelet by regularities of the wavelet and the signal.Finally, a plan, which bases on SCADA system for inspection and detection of natural gas leakage, is proposed in the article.


The paper consists of five chapters, Chapter One: Introduction, the part expounds the background meaning of the study on new product development flow and the method designing of study contents; Chapter Two: the part expounds the classification of new product development flow and relevant theories; Chapter Three: the part analyzes current status, existing problems and causes in new product development in the Coco Palm Group; Chapter Four, relying on the analysis conducted on the success and failure in new product development in relevant companies, the part summarizes the key factors for the success of new product development; Chapter Five, the most significant part in the paper, namely the rebuilding of new product development flow in the Coco Group.


Taking the plate tectonics as leading theories, combining outcrop, seismic techniques, drilling and logging datum, inter-verifing manifold researching methods, The paper has amply researched the region. discussed the coupling relation of basin-mountain and the geodynamics system; analyzed geologic tectonic characteristics of the basin; confirmed superposed alteration in Mesozoic of the basin; recompartmentalized tectonic units of the researching region and the basin; studied the tectonic evolution of the basin since Mesozoic; ascertained four large tectonic layers and five tectonic evolution process stages in different ways of formation and tectonic alteration; established different tectonic stages、compages、models and sedimentary filled processes, based on the organic geochemistry and oil-gas geologic characteristics in middle Cenozoic of the basin, the conclusions have been summarized in the paper, such as:The primary source rock in lower Permian and subordinate source rock in upper Triassic are developed in the region with better quality, and secondary hydrocarbon is possible; The bearing system which is comparted by three large tectonic layers and two unconformity surfaces formed in Palaeozoic、upper Palaeozoic to Triassic and Cenozoic developing in the region, compounded with reservoirs of different lithology is developed in the region, while the property of tectonic fracture reservoir is better; Based on the analyzing petroleum accumulation elements and preserving conditions, the deep depressing belt in the north of Luoyang depression、Shiling-Yiyang folded fault belt in Yiyang depression and wide anticline belt in Yichuan depression are advantageous petroliferous region, Zhaizhen anticline in Luoyang depression and Shimen wide anticline on footwall of overthrust in Yichuan depression are optimum tectonic traps.


Based on the intellectual capital theory and core competence theory, this paper has analyzed the composition of the intellectual capital of scientific research institution. Depend on the generally model of core competence, this paper propose the core competence model based on the intellectual capital of scientific research institution.


This paper founds a bidding strategys frame based on the game theory. This paper combines the game theory and the principal-agent theory and expounds the cost-plus based on the bidding and the bidding based on the contract.


New ideas and methods in the paper:1 The formulas on perforated casing collapse strength were deducted, which offereda convenient method to analyze the relationship between casing collapse strength and perforation;2 The stress and displacement formulas on the system of casing, cement anddeformation under the non-uniform load were deducted, which offered the theoretical found for designing optimally casing string;3 The relationship between structure in-situ field of whole oil field and casing failurewere studied, which offered the scheme for the prediction of casing failure. The process of study in the paper:1 For simulating the relationship between the structure in-situ field and the casingfailure in the oil-deformation, the tests of the uniaxial tensile, compress, tnaxial compress and dilatability were made on the samples of the drill cores from deformation of casing failure position in Yuejing II oil field.

本文的主要创新: 1推导出了射孔套管抗挤强度的解析式,为分析射孔与套管强度的变化关系提供了简便的方法; 2推导出了非均匀地层载荷作用下套管、水泥环和地层组合体的应力和位移解析式,并非均匀作用下套管柱优化设计提供了理论依据; 3研究整个油田区块构造应力场与套管损坏关系,为预测套管损坏提供了可行方案;本文的研究过程如下: 1为模拟构造应力场与油层段套管损坏关系,做了大量的岩石单轴抗拉、单轴抗压、三轴试验以及岩石遇水膨胀试验,获得了研究区块岩石的弹性模量、泊松比、内聚力、内摩擦角以及岩石的线膨胀系数,这此数据为本文研究油层段套管损坏机理研究的理论分析和有限元法提供了实验数据。

Basing on the traditional definition about trip-chain, the paper has defined a start point and end point standard in the commuters on-off duty trip-chain, and by utilizing the analysis method which based on trip-chain, the paper presents the discrepance about trip-chain type selection behavior as the commuter has different socity and economy background.


In this paper, both quantitative method and logical discursion are applied. After analyzing the influence of tax-burden on banks' operating in an all-round way, based on the data(1996-2007)of seven commercial banks that have been listed. The paper makes an empirical study on the correlation between the tax-burden and the profitability of commercial banks.


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If I Could Just Get It On Paper
Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart
Eyes On Paper

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
