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On behalf of immigrant rights and interests of the League of Los Angeles Cabrera (Jorge-Mario Cabrera) said that the adoption of this resolution means that Los Angeles in the promotion of the wave of immigration reform will continue to play a leading role in the immigrant groups in Los Angeles will also be duty-bound to play a more active role.

洛杉矶移民权益联盟代表卡布瑞拉(Jorge-Mario Cabrera)则表示,此项决议的通过意味著洛市在推动移民改革的浪潮中,将持续发挥领头羊作用,洛杉矶的移民团体也将义不容辞地扮演更加积极的角色。

While Maimonides and his followers regarded philosophical speculation as the highest duty of man, and even made the immortality of the soul dependent on it; or, speaking more correctly, while immortality meant for them only the highest development of "active intellect" in man, to which only a few attained, the Cabalists taught not only that every man may expect a great deal in the future world, according to his good and pious actions, but even that he is the most important factor in nature in this world.

虽然迈蒙尼德和他的追随者视为投机哲学的最高责任人,甚至作出不朽的灵魂依赖於它,或者更准确地讲,而永生意味著不仅为他们的最高发展"积极的智慧"在人,其中只有少数几个实现, Cabalists教的不仅是每个人可以指望得到了大量的未来世界,根据他的良好的和虔诚的行动,但即使他是最重要的因素的性质在这个世界上。

Debon, according to Securities Data shows that the active transactions, as well as the Securities and Exchange raise the rate of stamp duty, stamp duty revenue in 2007 grew 11-fold to reach 200,500,000,000 yuan; in the first quarter of 2008 stamp duty revenues reached 59,700,000,000 yuan, year-on-year growth to continue 387.8 percent.


There is what dedicate willingly bear the burden of hard works, silently from beginning to end in the job in report round member farming industry of cable of the wood in 5 division contest is finite liability company generates electricity the constantly strive to become stronger after the branch lights carry to divide a factory to be defeated by coal to be versed in Hu Zhixin; has come off sentry duty, contend for achieve top-ranking outstanding achievement, active help off-duty workers again of obtain employment farming; of Hua Jing of Jiang of off-duty workers of head office of 9 division trade also has a model to be the first, those who become rich not to forget worker masses farming 13 division red star one grass 2 just depend on even hired herdsman of the Kazak nationality Muladi, their achievement is ordinary and touching, they are corps the model beside broad Party member.


"Duty Rigs" are defined as holsters and allied equipment issued to active law enforcement officers or military personnel as standard equipment while on duty.


On the other hand, improvementon the active duty radar via technique of modern signal processing to advance theirtactical capability, in some degree, has important meaning.


In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the War on Terrorism.


In 2002,I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the War on Terrorism.

可知作者2002年应征在美国海军陆战队服役。这封信可能是他在战场上写的。答案 A

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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
