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The fifteenth chapter of this decree is directly concerned with Antinomian heresy, and condemns it in the following terms:"In opposition also to the cunning wits of certain men who, by good works and fair speeches, deceive the hearts of the innocent, it is to be maintained that the received grace of justification is lost not only by the infidelity, in which even faith itself if lost, but also by any other mortal sin soever, though faith be not lost; thereby defending the doctrine of the Divine law, which excludes from the King of God not only the unbelieving, but also the faithful who are fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetouss, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, and all others who commit deadly sins; from which, with the help of Divine grace, they are able to refrain and on account of which they are separate from the grace of Christ" Cap.

第十五章的这项法令是直接涉及antinomian异端,并谴责它在以下条款:"在反对,也狡猾的斗智斗勇,某些男性谁,好的作品和公平的发言,欺骗的心,无辜的,这是要维持该收到的恩典,理由是不仅失去由不忠,在其中,甚至信仰本身,如果失去了,而且还由任何其他致命的单仲偕soever ,虽然信仰不失去;从而捍卫教义神圣的法律,不包括从国王的上帝,不但不信,但也忠实谁是fornicators ,奸淫, effeminate ,滥用自己与人类,小偷, covetouss , drunkards , revilers , extortioners ,和所有其他谁犯下致命的捷联惯导系统;从哪个,借助神圣的恩典,他们能不和就交代他们是分开的恩典,基督"(第十五章,比照也上限。

In order, however, that those who ought to attend so very useful a council may not be held back in any way from coming, we hereby grant and concede, with the approval of the said sacred council, to each and every one of those summoned to the council by the said Julius, our predecessor, or who ought to take part, by right or custom, in the meetings of general councils, especially those of the French nation, and to those schismatics and others who are coming to the said Lateran council by common or special right, on account of a declaration or apostolic letter of our predecessors or of the apostolic see (except, of course, those under prohibition), and to the attendants and associates of those who come, of whatever status, rank, condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical or secular, for themselves and all their belongings, a free, guaranteed and fully comprehensive safeconduct, for coming by land or sea through the states, territories and places that are subject to the said Roman church, to this Lateran council in Rome, and of residing in the city and freely exchanging views, and of leaving it as often as they wish, with complete, unrestricted and total security and with a true and unchallengeable papal guarantee, notwithstanding any impositions of ecclesiastical or secular censures and penalties which may have been promulgated in general against them, for whatever reasons, by law or by the aforesaid see, under any forms of words or clauses, and which they may in general have incurred.

为了然而,这些谁应该参加这样非常有用的一个委员会可能不会举行任何方式从今后,我们在此授予和承认,并核准说,神圣的理事会,每一个人传唤安理会的朱利叶斯说,我们的前任,或谁应该采取的一部分,由权利或习俗,在会议一般性理事会,尤其是法国的国家,以及那些schismatics和其他谁是未来的说拉特兰安理会通过共同或特殊的权利,考虑到申报或使徒信中我们的前辈或使徒见(当然,除非这些规定禁止),以及人员和同夥的人谁来,无论地位,职级,条件或贵族,他们可能会,教会或世俗的,为自己和所有财物,一个自由,保障和全面的safeconduct ,为今后的陆地或海上的国家,地区和地方,均受说,罗马教会,本拉特兰理事会在罗马,以及居住在城市和自由交换意见,并离开它往往是他们愿意,完全,不受限制和总的安全和真正的和不容挑战教皇的保证,尽管有任何强加的教会或世俗的谴责和惩罚,可能已经颁布了对他们的一般,不论原因,根据法律规定或上述看到,在任何形式的文字或条款,他们可能在一般性支出。

What peculiarly tends to illustrate and recommend to us the eternal and unmerited grace of election, is the express testimony of sacred Scripture, that not all, but some only are elected, while others are passed by in the eternal election of God; whom God, out of his sovereign, most just, irreprehensible and unchangeable good pleasure, hath decreed to leave in the common misery into which they have willfully plunged themselves, and not to bestow upon them saving faith and the grace of conversion; but leaving them in his just judgment to follow their own ways, at last for the declaration of his justice, to condemn and punish them forever, not only on account of their unbelief, but also for all their other sins.

什么独有的倾向,以说明,并推荐给我们的永恒和unmerited恩典选举,是明确的证词神圣的经文,即并非所有的,但有些只选出,而有些则是通过在永恒选举上帝;上帝的人,走出自己的主权,最公正, irreprehensible和不可变好高兴,祂所命令离开,在共同的苦难成为它们随意地投身人士,而不是赐给他们拯救信仰和恩典的转化,但不可让它们在他刚判断效法他们自己的方式,在去年为申报他的正义,谴责和惩罚他们,永远不要只考虑他们的不信者,而且也为所有其他的罪孽。

WHAT IS A SALESMAN?A salesman is a pin on a map to the sales manager, a quota to the factory, an overloaded expenses account to the auditor, a book-keeping item called cost to the treasurer, a smile and a wise crack to the receptionist and a purveyor of flattery to the buyer.


Whether or not the Lender shall have made such entry or taken possession as aforesaid) sell, assign, call in, collect and convert into money the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein subject to any prior estates, interest and rights to which the Property is subject, but free from this Legal Charge/Mortgage and all other estates, interests, tenancies and rights to which this Legal Charge/Mortgage has priority with full power to sell the same either together or in parcels and either by public auction or tender or private contract or partly by public auction or tender and partly by private contract and with such stipulations as to title or evidence of commencement of title or otherwise as the Lender shall think expedient and either for a lump sum or for a sum to be paid by instalments or for a sum on account and subject to a mortgage or other security for the balance and with full power to give any option to purchase the same or to buy in or rescind or vary any contract of sale of the same and to re-sell the same without being responsible for any loss which may be occasioned thereby with power for the Lender to enter into a Deed of Mutual Covenant or Sub-Deed of Mutual Covenant or Supplemental Deed of Mutual Covenant and/or Management Agreement and/or any other documents of a similar nature or grant any rights easements or privileges as the Lender shall in its absolute discretion think fit and with full power to compromise and effect compositions, and for the purposes aforesaid or any of them to execute and do all such assurances and things as the Lender shall think fit, PROVIDED HOWEVER that where the event of default relates to the payment of any moneys payable hereunder no such sale, assignment, calling in, collection or conversion into money shall be put into effect until the Lender shall first have made a demand for payment of such moneys to the Borrower and default shall have been made in payment thereof for a period of one calendar month

8.2.7 (不论贷款人已否如前述般进入物业或取得物业管有权)在下述条件下将物业或其任何部份出售、转让、收回、收取及折现:受限於物业原先已受其限制的产业权,权益及权利,但不受本法律押记/按揭影响,亦不受所有其他排在本法律押记/按揭之后的产业权、权益、租约及权利影响。全权以公开拍卖、投标或私人合约,或部份以公开拍卖或投标、部份以私人合约的形式,并根据贷款人就业权、业权开始的证据或其他事项认为适当的规定出售物业或其任何部份,而售价可整笔付款或分期付款,或部份款额入账而余额以按揭或其他抵押支付;全权给予认购权或买入、撤销或更改有关物业或其任何部份的售卖合约,并将物业或其任何部份再出售而无须为因此而引致的任何损失负责。贷款人并有权订立公契、公契分契或补充公契及/或管理协议及/或任何其他性质相若的文件,或授予任何按贷款人的绝对酌情权认为合适的权利、地役权或特权;全权作出妥协与达成债务重整协议,并为上述所有或任何目的签立及作出贷款人认为适当的转易与事情。但如失责事件涉及本契据须付的任何付款,则不得进行上述出售、转让、收回、收取或折现,直至贷款人先向借款人提出付款要求而上述款项欠付达一个公历月为止。

Borrow funds examination and approval procedure ■On account of duty borrow funds Borrow funds a person to fill in first to borrow funds an application a list according to product Shen Gou4 Dan Bai3 →it keep belong to leadership to sign an opinion →section the manager sign an opinion →administration personnel department the manager sign an opinion →finance department manager examination and approval →general manager approval →cashier style →borrow funds person's label to accept.


On account of this, a multi-carrier solution is applied in our discussion to get a reasonable frequency allocation scheme for the hybrid network. The conventional cellular links and the signaling links use the main carrier, while the direct-connected links are on the secondary carrier. Thus the interference between the two kinds of links is restricted.


Signals for breaking up the camp; the people leave Sinai on the twenty-second day of the second month, and journey towards Cades in the desert Pharan; they murmur against Moses on account of fatigue, want of flesh-meat, etc.; deceived by faithless spies, they refuse to enter into the Promised Land, and the whole living generation is rejected by God.

信号打破了该营地的人离开西奈半岛的第二十二天的第2个月,并走向Cades在沙漠中Pharan ;他们杂音对摩西的帐户疲劳,想肉,肉等;欺骗不忠实间谍,他们拒绝进入乐土,整个生活的一代拒绝上帝。

To provide this benefit through its new 401 Plus Plan, IBM plans to double the current company match to dollar-for-dollar on up to 6 percent of salary deferrals, and to make additional automatic contributions of 1 to 4 percent of employees' pay into their 401 account.

为了通过其新设计的401 Plus Plan进行给付,IBM公司计划将公司当前缴款额提高一倍,最高达薪水的6%,另外再向401账户额外自动缴款相当于员工薪水1-4%的款项。

Augustine bears witness, the work was oftentimes ascribed "on account of some resemblance of style" with that of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticle of Canticles, but to whom, as the same holy doctor says,"the more learned"(apparently among the church writers of the time)"know full well that it should not be referred" On the City of God, Bk.

本书的作者的Ecclesiasticus并非所罗门国王,他们在圣奥古斯丁证明,这项工作是经常为其&考虑到一些相似的风格&与谚语,传道书和颂歌的Canticles ,但人,作为同罗马教廷的医生说,&更多的经验教训&(显然是教会作家之间的时间)&清楚地知道,它不应该被称为&

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
