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Passing by Roger Greene's office and Dollard's big red printinghouse Gerty MacDowell, carrying the Catesby's cork lino letters for her father who was laid up, knew by the style it was the lord and lady lieutenant but she couldn't see what Her Excellency had on because the tram and Spring's big yellow furniture van had to stop in front of her on account of its being the lord lieutenant.


However, on account of these facts that the defects in the legislation of civil procedural law; the negligence of witness appearing in court in judicial practice and little research on the system of witnesses in theory, the phenomenon that witnesses who refuse to give evidence or perjure or refuse


On account of obvious fluctuation of fructifications of Eucommia, the affections to analysis result coming from the fluctuation could be overcome by pertinence analysis on every two-year's average samara production from single branch and singletree.


But on account of the many new technique and new structure applying on these system, it make the system become more and more complexity, especially exists some nonlinearity factors and the loading, friction, lubricate, wearing down, etc, so many uncertainty complication, as a result, to acquire the relative exactly toque parameter become very difficult.


On account of the difference in ancient Chinese grammatical teaching in colleges, there exists relatively great difference on how to deal with the problems such as adscription of pronoun and adverb?


During his lifetime the saint was forced to enter several literary disputes on account of his works on moral theology; his chief adversaries were Concina and Patuzzi, both of the Dominican Order, and champions of Probabiliorism.

在他的一生的圣被迫进入了文学争端到他的作品的道德神学;他的主要对手是Concina和Patuzzi ,无论多米尼加秩序, Probabiliorism冠军。

During his lifetime the saint was forced to enter several literary disputes on account of his works on moral theology; his chief adversaries were Concina and Patuzzi, both of the Dominican Order, and champions of Probabiliorism.

在他的一生中圣被迫进入几个文学纠纷,就到他的作品中对道德神学,他的首席对手的人孔奇纳和帕图齐,两者均多米尼加秩序,并冠军probabiliorism 。

There were soluble trophic molecules with relative molecular weight larger than 30 000 for survival and neurite growth of FMN cultures in media with SC-CMCs derived from facial and sciatic nerves of neonatal rats and with SC-CMCs derived from Wallerian degenerating facial and sciatic nerves of adult rats. It might be reasonable to choose SC from sciatic nerves of rats on account of the findings from SC cultures on facial motoneurons.

面神经和坐骨神经SC-CMC中含有促FMN存活、生长的蛋白或多肽,相对分子质量大于30 000,其活性作用与使用的蛋白浓度有关;在研究SC分泌物对FMN营养活性作用时,可考虑选择坐骨神经SC。

Retired cloth-merchants rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet; it was a peaceful charming place, which was not on the road to anywhere: there people lived, cheaply, that peasant rustic life which is so bounteous so easy; only, water was rare there, on account of the elevation of the plateau.

倦游的商贾和爱好山林的雅士们还没有发现它。那是一片平静宜人、不在任何 dd dtt。 com 交通线上的处所,那里的人都过着物价低廉、生计容易 Dddtt 、丰衣足食的乡村生活。美中不足的是地势较高,水源缺乏。

In fact, the historican learners have been paying more attention to the steamship and train on account of the transport weans imported from the western society, but the study on Auto have almost been nothing.,My paper think the significances of Auto had replaced the train after the first world war, and the research of Auto s value reached the climax in Anti桱apanese war0 It will deepen and develop the study of the Modern Chinese social history, military history, economical history, technical history or industrical history , and even that cultural history,,This paper is divided into five parts.?


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
