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与 on account to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 20.1.1 to 20.1.7 in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel P.P.I., F.I.A., or subject to any other like term, is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured, Owners, Managers or Mortgagees.

20.2 保证上述第20.1.1项至20.1.7项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期内安排原或将安排的包括保险船舶的P.P.I。, F.I.A。,或受任何其他类似条款制约的全损保险在内的其他保险。

Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 2011 to 2017 in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel PPI, FIA, or subject to any other like term, is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured, Owners, Managers or Mortgagees Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach

保证上述第2011项至2017项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期内安排原或将安排的包括保险船舶的PPI, FIA,或受任何其他类似条款制约的全损保险在内的其他保险。保险人不得以违反本保险为由,抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反的抵押权人提出的索赔。下列各条是首要条款,本保险中任何与下列各条不一致的规定,均属无效。

1 Laid on the observation points, the next gate in the first paragraph and the chamber are in side-dock-type pier and construction of a wide bottom seam laid 8 to each end of the settlement within 24 observation points nails; chamber 14 Fu wall segments are in lock wall at both ends of the floor laid four nails into account the settlement of 56 observation points; settlement nail making use of 40cmФ18 rebar welded copper top round hat hemisphere processed, buried, when coupled with oblique bars welded to the end of plate surface layer and vertical reinforcement, the top highlight the concrete surface, about 1.5 ~ 2.0cm in order to guarantee points are solid.


Call my account oneself, give me impression the deepest is that piece of uses so that give off light table, one often is taking my father on old chair, every night I am to listening to the beat of abacus to be asleep.


Candidate application form Date To apply for positions: Name: Date of birth: photos Sex: Marital Status: Place of residence: ID number: Graduated from colleges and professional time: Whether on-the-job: salary expectations: The experience of the project (each project in order to please one or two brief general statement)---------------------------------- The following evaluation by the staff to fill ---------------------------------- The level of work skills and values Role of communication to express BEI knowledge Personal characteristics of the panel discussion Other incentives point Evaluation Officer signature: the project manager signature: Staff cards Labor contracts: Date of birth names of the sex photos Account the political outlook of origin Marital history of the disease situation of children The social security situation in the case file Contact Current address E-mail Education and professional experience of time the name of the school Name time work experience job description of duties Family background (a principal member of the family) name of the workplace relations telephone address is I solemnly promise: more than fill in the project are real, if not actual projects, according to the labor contract the twenty-second paragraph I and labor contracts, the company does not require compensation.

应聘申请表年月日申请职位:姓名:出生年月:照片性别:婚否:居住地:身份证号码:毕业院校及时间专业:目前是否在职:期望薪资税后):项目经验(每一项目请以一至两句话简要概括)----------------------------------以下由测评人员填写----------------------------------价值观工作技能水平角色定位沟通表达知识 BEI 个人特征小组讨论激励点其他测评官签字:项目经理签字:员工资料卡劳动合同号:姓名性别出生年月照片政治面貌籍贯户口婚否子女情况疾病史社保情况档案情况联系方式现住址电子邮箱教育经历时间学校名称专业工作经历单位名称时间职位职责描述家庭背景名称关系工作单位联系电话现住址本人郑重承诺:以上填写项目均属实,如有不实项目,请按照劳动合同第二十二条与我解除劳动合同,不要求公司赔偿。

6 Clause 8.5 shall not however exclude any sum which the Assured shall pay to salvors for or in respect of salvage remuneration in which the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimising damage to the environment as is referred to in Article 13 paragraph 1 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989 have been taken into account.

8.6 然而,第8.5款不应排除1989年《国际救助公约》第13条第1款项已经考虑的,救助人在防止或减轻环境污染损害方面的技术和努力,被保险人应向救助人支付的有关救助报酬。

According to this agreement, licensors of both parties should confirm auction quantity by signature on 30 every month within period of service. Party A should send payment notify to party B's finance department in terms of the confirmation letter. And the party B should wire fees to the account designated by party A within 30 days from receiving the notification.

6.1 甲方根据本协议内容,在服务期内每月30日由双方授权人签字确认当月竞价服务数量,甲方根据该确认书在次月1日将付款通知送达乙方财务部,乙方在收到付款通知之日起30天内将该笔服务费用汇入甲方公司指定帐户。

On no account could she agree to a step which might afterwards cause bitter rueing to her husband for his blindness in wedding her. And she held that what her conscience had decided for her when her mind was unbiased ought not to be overruled now.


The error of a surface on the electrical potential distribution can be neglected when the order of the distance which from center to the surface we assume the potential decay to zero about 102 of its radius. This effect also can be neglected when the potential is high, but it can be taken into account by multiplying a correction function to the potential of surface when the surface potential is low.


This thesis is based on crane dynamic theory and finite element theory, and utilized software platform of ANSYS. It realizes model analysis and transient analysis of steel rope and bridge structure. The data and conclusion offered effective method to bridge crane design. The thesis mainly includes:According to crane dynamic theory, established relevant dynamic model, and analyzed the dynamic properties of the bridge structure of the bridge crane, including the natural frequency, the model shape and the dynamic stress. A way to analyse the dynamic response of the bridge structure of the bridge crane which takes into account the dynamic properties of the steel rope pulley block has been explored successfully.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
