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on account to相关的网络例句

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与 on account to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line -- that was the woods on t'other side; you couldn't make nothing else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness spreading around; then the river softened up away off, and warn't black any more, but gray; you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away -- trading scows, and such things; and long black streaks -- rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking; or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far; and by and by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there's a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way; and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log-cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t'other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres; then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there, so cool and fresh and sweet to smell on account of the woods and the flowers; but sometimes not that way, because they've left dead fish laying around, gars and such, and they do get pretty rank; and next you've got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!

往 水面上望去,首先看到的是灰蒙蒙的一条线——那是河对岸的树林子——别的便什么也看不清——接着是天空中有一点儿鱼肚白;然后鱼肚白多了些,逐渐朝四周散开去;接下来,远处河水的颜色淡了些,不是那么黑了,而是灰灰的了。更远处,可以看到小小的黑点子在漂过来——那是些载货的驳船之类。还有黑黑的一长条——那是木筏子。有时能听到长桨吱吱地响,或者一些杂音。四周这么寂静,声音又来自很远的远方。过了一会儿,你看到一道水纹。凭了水纹的模样,你知道那里有一块礁石,急流朝着它冲过去,流水飞溅,成了这个模样。你看到,雾气袅袅上升,离开水面,东方红了起来,河面红了起来。你可以看到对岸河边树林子边上一处原木搭成的小屋,那可能是一个木材场,在那里堆着的一堆堆木材,中间却是空的,容得狗钻来钻去,为了能叫人家上当①。然后微风轻拂,从河上一阵阵吹来,那么凉凉的,那么清新,闻起来那么甜美,这是全凭了那些树林子和那些鲜花的缘故。可有时候也并非全是如此美妙。

He, B, enjoyed the distinction of being close to Erin's uncrowned king in the flesh when the thing occurred on the historic fracas when the fallen leader's, who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery, trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possibly even more than that penetrated into the printing works of the Insuppressible or no it was United Ireland (a by no means by the by appropriate appellative) and broke up the typecases with hammers or something like that all on account of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of the O'Brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.


Firstly relied on the "Principal-Agent" theory, it will go through the microcosmic model analysis of corrupt behavior, including the avail analysis of "Defalcation corrupt behavior" and the equilibrium analysis of "Rent-seeking corrupt behavior", and then it will conclude some important factors which influence the corrupt behavior, such as the probability to be lighted, the salary of the officials, the degree and extent of the punishment and so on.Then it will go deep into the institutional analysis of the complicated corrupt phenomena. Relied on the institutional economics, this text will expound elaborate that during the compelling transformation of institutions, the structure of public power has an essential change. On the one hand, government has given up much public power; on the other hand, the cooperation mode between the government, the market and the society has not been perfected. So on account of the unbalance of public power structure, the disfigurement or blankness of the institutions was one of the vital institutional causes of the corruption.


On such day: there develops, occurs, exists or comes into force any event whereby in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter, the success of the Open Offer or the business or financial condition and/or prospects of the group would, might be or is likely to be adversely affected or which makes it inadvisable or inexpedient to proceed with the Open Offer; or there comes to the notice of the Underwriter or the Underwriter shall have reasonable cause to believe that any of the undertakings or other obligations expressed to be assumed by or imposed on the Company under the underwriting agreement have not been complied with in any material respect; or there comes to the notice of the Underwriter or the Underwriter shall have reasonable cause to believe that any of the representations or warranties given by the Company under the underwriting agreement was untrue, incorrect, misleading or inaccurate in any material respect which adversely affect the success of the Open Offer; which in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter: is or may or will be or is likely to be adverse to, or prejudicially affects, the business or financial or trading position or prospects of the group taken as a whole; or is or may or will be or is likely to adversely affect the success of the Open Offer and/or makes it impracticable, inexpedient or inadvisable for any part of the underwriting agreement and the Open Offer to be performed or implemented as envisaged; or make or will or is likely to make it impracticable, inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Open Offer or the delivery of the convertible non-voting preference shares on the terms and in the manner contemplated by the Prospectus or the underwriting agreement.

Samson Paper Holdings Limited Provisional Allotment Account 倘于接纳可兑换无投票权优先股份及付款的截止时间后两个营业日下午六时正前任何时间出现下列事件,则公开发售包销商Quinselle Holdings Limited可于该日期下午六时正前任何时间向本公司发出书面通知以终止包销协议:因任何事件之出现、发生、存在或生效而令包销商合理认为将会、可能或极大机会对公开发售能否顺利进行或本集团之业务或财政状况及╱或前景构成不利影响,或致使进行公开发售实属不合理或不合宜;或包销商注意到或包销商有合理理由相信本公司并无于所有重大方面遵守根据包销协议列明须承担或获委予之任何承诺或其他责任;或包销商注意到或包销商有合理理由相信本公司根据包销协议作出之任何陈述或保证于任何重大方面属失实、错误、误导或不准确而对公开发售能否顺利进行造成不利影响;而包销商合理认为:经已或可能或将会或大有可能对本集团整体业务或财政或经营状况或前景造成不利影响或损害;或经已或可能或将会或大有可能对公开发售能否顺利进行构成不利影响及╱或使持续进行使包销协议的任何部份或公开发售的进行或落实为不实际、不合适或不合宜;或按发售章程或包销协议拟订之条款及方式持续进行公开发售或寄发可兑换无投票权优先股份导致、将为或大有可能为不实际、不合适或不合宜。

For more information on how to protect your account, please review our Account Security article.


Explores what is challenged now concerning the empirical turn of the philosophy of technology in view of the cause and effect of the development of cultural criticism on technology The classical cultural criticism on technology is discussed through an analysis made for the contradiction between Heidegger's phenomenological standpoint based on existentialism and his hermeneutic methodology taken for studying the philosophy of technology Then, the inexhaustiveness of empiristic methodology that is currently prevailing in cultural study on technology is discussed further to expound the necessity for "embodying" as an empiristic methodology to study the technological culture The way to spread over the embodying in technological study is therefore taken into account to deepen the empirical turn of philosophy of technology


On account of hard partitional clustering algorithms having not taken the fuzziness or the uncertainty of Web logs into account, fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm is used in this paper to mine Web logs.


Large supply of non-hybrid seeds for vegetables, grains and herbs; make sure they are of the non-GMO, non-hybrid, propagating variety; also be sure to have instructions on how to harvest seeds including information on "moldering" techniques to properly collect seeds from certain plants such as tomatoes; note lastly that due to damp low-sunlight conditions many crops will not grow without growing lights and protection from rain; special research is therefore required on which crops will grow best (for instance, patty rice should grow better than wheat under damp conditions); also be sure to take into account the climactic change which results from the change in latitude due to the pole shift as a location which does not change greatly in latitude will fare better than one which falls in the vicinity of the new poles for instance; the pole shift theory presented on Zeta Talk states that the terrestrial North Pole will move to the middle of the Atlantic off the bulge of Brazil and ultimately one will need to observe the climate and the position of the sun to figure out the new latitude, and either adapt or re-locate as needed


On the evening of 27, reporters had access to additional targeted Haitong Securities notice when found in the Pacific Asset Management Haitong subscribe 80,000,000 new shares, through the Pacific Life Insurance Dividends and dividend individuals subscribed for shares in 2000, ordinary life insurance products through the purchase of 6,000 shares; Taikang asset management companies through its 11 life insurance companies and investment insurance products, subscription-based account of the 8000 million for China and Thailand Asset Management Corporation, through what kind of account to subscribe to the sea's stock, is not mentioned in the notice.


On the evening of 27, reporters had access to additional targeted Haitong Securities notice when found in the Pacific Asset Management Haitong subscribe 80,000,000 new shares, through dividends and Pacific Life Insurance Personal subscription bonus shares in 2000, ordinary life insurance products through the purchase of 6,000 shares; Taikang asset management companies through its 11 life insurance companies and investment insurance products, subscription-based account of the 8000 million shares, for China and Thailand Asset management company what kind of account to subscribe to the sea's stock, is not mentioned in the notice.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
