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Consequently, it is meaningful to systematically get optimal solving of LRP models. Contribution of the research is the innovation in big scale mathematical calculation of NP-hard problem and it is also the academic foundation of developed city logistics distribution systems on account of electronic commerce. The research has extraordinary significance to developed self-action logistics distribution software in large amount of electronic commerce dealings.


These wizards of modern history scoffed that probably Molotov's son was believed to be aboard a trainload of Jews from Berlin concealed as"Dr.Jekeliusand"was on no account to be liquidated.


The necessity for such government arises from the failure or inability of the legitimate government to exercise its functions on account of the military occupation, or the undesirability of allowing it to do so.


Thus it happened that when the last of Tess's sovereigns had been spent she was unprovided with others to take their place, while on account of the season she found it increasingly difficult to get employment.


During the Great Leap Forward, sport was set back on account of the tendency to report untruthfully, to over-ambitions, exaggeration and formalism.


Leech believes that collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment and that only when the explanation in terms of other categories of meaning can not apply do language users need to invoke the concept of collocative meaning.


The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban of the Church, though their author lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.

举行的Alexandrians作为坚定的任何天主教徒传统的规则信仰,至少在理论上,但他们超越传统,让自己的猜测,使& Hypotyposes &的克莱门特已几乎完全失去了对帐户的错误的地方发现了他们,奥利的作品属於禁止教会,但其作者的生活居住的圣和死亡后不久, Decian迫害,苦难,他经历了它。

The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban of the Church, though their author lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.

该alexandrians举行牢牢任何天主教徒的传统,法治的信念,至少在理论上,而是超越传统,让自己的猜测,使& hypotyposes &克莱门特已几乎完全失去了对帐户的错误都发现一个地方和他们渊源的作品,属于禁止的教堂,虽然他们的作者居住生活的圣人,死了,不久后decian迫害的苦难,他经历了它的雇员。

Another version from A catechism of familar things: It is supposed to have originated from the discovery of a dead tortoise, the flesh of which had dried and wasted, so that nothing was left within in shell but sinews and cartilages:these,tightened and contracted, on account of their dryness,were rendered one ,Mercury of Apollo, they affirm, in walking along happening to strike this foot against the tortoise, was greatly pleased with the sound it Diane Touliatos-Miliotis: the other part of the Chelys-lyre include a "donax", which was a cana of reed that possibly functioned as a bridge or brace of the arms.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
