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与 on account to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The counsel for the defence had spoken tolerably well, in that provincial tongue which has long constituted the eloquence of the bar, which was formerly employed by all advocates, at Paris as well as at Romorantin or at Montbrison, which to-day, having become classic, is no longer spoken except by the official orators of magistracy, to whom it is suited on account of its grave sonorousness its majestic stride; a tongue in which a husband is called a consort, a woman a spouse; Paris, the centre of art civilization; the king, the monarch; Monseigneur the Bishop, a sainted pontiff; the district-attorney, the eloquent interpreter of public prosecution; the arguments, the accents which we have my.ssbbww.com listened to; the age of Louis XIV., the grand age; a theatre, the temple of Melpomene; the reigning family, the august blood of our kings; a concert, a musical solemnity; the General Commandant of the province, the illustrious warrior, who, etc.; the pupils in the seminary, these tender levities; errors imputed to newspapers, the imposture which distills its venom through the columns of those organs; etc.

那个辩护士谈得相当好,他那种外省的语句,从前无论在巴黎也好,在罗莫朗坦或蒙勃里松也好,凡是律师都习惯采用,早已成为律师们的词藻,但今天这种语句已成古典的了,它那种持重的声调、庄严的气派,正适合公堂上的那些公家发言人,所以8ttt8现在 dd dtt。 com 只有他们还偶然用用;譬如称丈夫为"良人",妻子为"内助",巴黎为"艺术和文化的中心",国王为"元首",主教先生为"元圣",检察官为"辩才无碍的锄奸大士",律师的辩词称"刚才洗耳恭听过的高论",路易十四的世纪为"大世纪",剧场为"墨尔波墨涅殿",在朝的王室为"我先王的圣血",音乐会为"雍和大典",统辖一省的将军为"驰名的壮士某",教士培养所里的小徒弟为"娇僧",责令某报该负责的错误为"在刊物篇幅中散布毒素的花言巧语"等等。

On this account, to realize the educational fairness, we have to persist in the right concept of knowledge, contextuality, volubility and categorization of knowledge, adjust and reform education according to the concept of knowledge and three principles of rationality of education fairness.


If his argument is correct, then in any case where a suspect makes it clear to the police that he has a request to make before he confesses, unless the police refuses his request immediately, it would amount to the polices assenting to the request, and it would necessarily follow that any confession by the suspect would have been made on account of police inducement and not voluntarily. We do not want to say anything further about this.


Abstract] Objective To evaluate the distinctive clinical value of magnetic resonance urographyMRU)in the diagnosis of primary ureteral carcinoma.Methods To compare the accuracy of diagnosis of MRU with ultrasonography,urography,retrograde ureteropyelography and CT,diagnostic imaging and progress of ureteral carcinoma were analyzed in twenty-four cases from 2000 to 2006,twenty cases had MRU examinations.The original preoperative diagnostic reports of various imaging facilities were analyzed on account of the results of operation and pathology.

目的 探讨磁共振水成像技术在原发性输尿管肿瘤中的临床诊断价值方法分析2000~2006年24例原发性输尿管肿瘤的影像学诊断结果,并基于术中所见和病理报告,将磁共振水成像技术20例)与超声24例)、泌尿系造影24例)、逆行造影15例)、CT(19例)的确诊率相比较。

Among the more celebrated "deserts" should be mentioned those of San Juan Bautista, founded in 1606 at Santa Fé, New Mexico; Bussaco (1628), near Coimbra, Portugal, now a horticultural establishment and recreation ground; Massa (1682), near Sorrento, Italy, well known to visitors to Naples on account of the marvellous view of the gulfs of Naples and Salerno to be obtained from the terrace of the convent; and Tarasteix (1859), near Lourdes, France, founded by Father Hermann Cohen.

其中较著名的&沙漠&,应该提到的那些圣胡安包蒂斯塔,成立於1606年,在圣菲,新墨西哥; bussaco ( 1628 ),近Coimbra ,葡萄牙,现在是一家园艺建立和游乐场;马萨( 1682 ),近Sorrento ,意大利,众所周知,以游客那不勒斯就交代了绝妙的观海湾,那不勒斯和萨勒诺,以获得从阳台的修道院; tarasteix ( 1859 ),近Lourdes ,法国,成立由父亲赫尔曼科恩。

Among the more celebrated "deserts" should be mentioned those of San Juan Bautista, founded in 1606 at Santa Fé, New Mexico; Bussaco (1628), near Coimbra, Portugal, now a horticultural establishment and recreation ground; Massa (1682), near Sorrento, Italy, well known to visitors to Naples on account of the marvellous view of the gulfs of Naples and Salerno to be obtained from the terrace of the convent; and Tarasteix (1859), near Lourdes, France, founded by Father Hermann Cohen.

其中较著名的&沙漠&,应该提到的那些圣胡安包蒂斯塔,成立于1606年,在圣菲,新墨西哥; bussaco ( 1628 ),近Coimbra ,葡萄牙,现在是一家园艺建立和游乐场;马萨( 1682 ),近Sorrento ,意大利,众所周知,以游客那不勒斯就交代了绝妙的观海湾,那不勒斯和萨勒诺,以获得从阳台的修道院; tarasteix ( 1859 ),近Lourdes ,法国,成立由父亲赫尔曼科恩。

The Emperor was with the army to inspire it not to yield an inch of Russian soil and on no account to retreat.


Wherefore he admonishes the friars to use only low and mean tables, so that if a beggar were to come to sit down near them he might believe that he was but with his equals and need not blush on account of his poverty.


Wherefore he admonishes the friars to use only low and mean tables, so that if a beggar were to come to sit down near them he might believe that he was but with his equals and need not blush on account of his poverty.

& wherefore他admonishes该friars只使用低和平均表,所以说:&如果乞丐被来坐下来,他们附近,他可能认为他只不过是与他平等的,无须绯红就交代他的贫穷。

The counsel for the defence had spoken tolerably well, in that provincial tongue which has long constituted the eloquence of the bar, which was formerly employed by all advocates, at Paris as well as at Romorantin or at Montbrison, which to-day, having become classic, is no longer spoken except by the official orators of magistracy, to whom it is suited on account of its grave sonorousness its majestic stride; a tongue in which a husband is called a consort, a woman a spouse; Paris, the centre of art civilization; the king, the monarch; Monseigneur the Bishop, a sainted pontiff; the district-attorney, the eloquent interpreter of public prosecution; the arguments, the accents which we have my.ssbbww.com listened to; the age of Louis XIV., the grand age; a theatre, the temple of Melpomene; the reigning family, the august blood of our kings; a concert, a musical solemnity; the General Commandant of the province, the illustrious warrior, who, etc.; the pupils in the seminary, these tender levities; errors imputed to newspapers, the imposture which distills its venom through the columns of those organs; etc.

那个辩护士谈得相当好,他那种外省的语句,从前无论在巴黎也好,在罗莫朗坦或蒙勃里松也好,凡是律师都习惯采用,早已成为律师们的词藻,但今天这种语句已成古典的了,它那种持重的声调、庄严的气派,正适合公堂上的那些公家发言人,所以8ttt8现在 dd dtt。 com 只有他们还偶然用用;譬如称丈夫为&良人&,妻子为&内助&,巴黎为&艺术和文化的中心&,国王为&元首&,主教先生为&元圣&,检察官为&辩才无碍的锄奸大士&,律师的辩词称&刚才洗耳恭听过的高论&,路易十四的世纪为&大世纪&,剧场为&墨尔波墨涅殿&,在朝的王室为&我先王的圣血&,音乐会为&雍和大典&,统辖一省的将军为&驰名的壮士某&,教士培养所里的小徒弟为&娇僧&,责令某报该负责的错误为&在刊物篇幅中散布毒素的花言巧语&等等。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
