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Such monasteries may be given in commendam, when the original commendam no longer exists on account of the resignation or death of the commendatory, only to cardinals and to qualified and well-deserving persons; and in such a way that the commendatories of the monasteries, whatever their dignity, honour and high rank may be, even if they enjoy the status and dignity of a cardinal, are obliged, if they have meals in private, apart from the common table, to assign a quarter of their board for the renewal of the fabric, or for the purchase or repair of furnishings, clothings and adornment, or for the maintenance or sustenance of the poor, as the greater need demands or suggests .

这种寺院可考虑在commendam ,当原来的commendam不再存在相应的辞职或去世的称赞,只红雀和合格和福祉值得人;并以这样一种方式,该commendatories的寺院,无论他们的尊严,荣誉和高级别可能是,即使他们享有的地位和尊严的一个基本,有责任,如果他们在私人用餐,除了常见的表,指定四分之一的局延长面料,或用於购买或修理家具,服装和装饰品,或为维护或生计的穷人,让更多需要的要求或建议。

Floor Manager Journalist returned to forget such an account to a 100 square meters of real estate as an example, in March last year, priced at 1,200,000 in April of this year, has risen to 1300000, existing homes available for sale in March next year will rise to 1.41 million, 2 years, buyers more than paying back the principal on the expenditure of up to 210,000, in addition, as a result of rising house prices, mortgage loans for 20 years, the expenses of the bank Interest will also be more more than 270,000 yuan.

楼经理问返回忘记这样一个帐户到100平方米的房地产作为一个例子,在去年3月,售价为1,200,000于今年4月,已上升到一百三十点○○○万,现房销售中明年3月将增至1.41亿美元, 2年,买家多支付本金的开支高达210,000 ,此外,由于房价上涨,按揭贷款为20年,支出的银行利息也将更加多二十七点○○○万元。

Floor manager returned to forget such an account to a 100 square meters of real estate as an example, in March last year, priced at 1,200,000 in April of this year, has risen to 1.3 million next year existing homes available for sale in March will rise to 1.41 million, 2 years, buyers more than paying back the principal on the expenditure of up to 210,000, in addition, as a result of rising house prices, mortgage loans for 20 years, the expenses will also be more than bank interest out of more than 270,000 yuan.

楼经理返回忘记这样一个帐户到100平方米的房地产作为一个例子,在去年3月,售价为1,200,000于今年4月,已上升到130万明年旧房销售在3月份将上升到141.000万, 2年,买家多支付本金的开支高达210,000 ,此外,由于房价上涨,按揭贷款为20年,费用也将超过银行利息多出27.00万元。

Therefore, it is more important to improve TW with an eye to the increasing of starch contents on account of the less constraint effect of lysine to starch contents.1.2 Sources of variations of test weight in maizeClustering analysis was used in 2004. Twenty-nine summer maize hybrids released for commercial production in Shandong province were divided into three types: high-test weight, medium-test weight type and low-test weight type.


But while it gives fear and hope to all, it makes us sufficiently sensible that though there is no crime in its own nature inexpiable, yet a whole criminal life may be so; that it is extremely dangerous to affront mercy by new crimes and new expiations; that an uneasiness on account of ancient debts, from which we are never entirely free, ought to make us afraid of contracting new ones, of filling up the measure, and going even to that point where paternal goodness is limited.


If you feel it too difficult to stand on your own account to do it,call your friends to help.


Methods According to the feature of knowledge structure in adult-upgraded students, teaching contents were changed from the traditional biology knowledge on parasitology to parasitosis knowledge. At the same time, complementing and renewing knowledge was taken into the account. To make teaching contents more direct and vivid, modem teaching media was sufficiently used. Besides, cases discussion and comprehensive thinking questions was complemented. The communication between teachers and students was advanced and the problems, which was met by the students in studying and working, was able to be solved in time.


Jeremiah refused God's call to the prophethood, and referred to Moses, Aaron, Elijah, and Elisha, all of whom, on account of their calling, were subjected to sorrows and to the mockery of the Jews; and he excused his refusal with the plea that he was still too young.

耶利米拒绝上帝的呼吁prophethood ,并提到摩西,亚伦,以利亚和以利沙,所有这些人,就到他们的要求,受到的痛苦和嘲弄的犹太人,他的原谅他拒绝认罪他仍然太年轻。

We therefore renew in this canon, on account of the boldness of the offenders, what the council of Toledo providently decreed in this matter : we forbid Jews to be appointed to public offices, since under cover of them they are very hostile to Christians.


Beijing next low-density residential development should be a lot of functional things taken into account to maximize the role of various resources to alleviate the pressure on cities to raise the cultural level of regional life.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
