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off and相关的网络例句

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与 off and 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We study and compare the effects of three ON-OFF sources on the performance of ABR services.


Phytophthora capsici is an important fungal pathogen that causes seed rot, seedling damping-off, root and crown rot, leaf spots, stem lesions, foliar blight, and fruit rot in many solanaceous crops and cucurbits (cantaloupe, cucumber, summer squash, pumpkin, watermelon). Rottingof seedlings prior to emergence (preemergence damping-off) and blighting of recently emerged seedlings (postemergence damping-off) can occur.


The traditional mount is hard to peels off clean, moreover, it always have gauffer after being peeled off which lead to have blemish and waste a lot of time.So we are honored to introduce the miraculous gum film from Japan, which is more economical and easier to peel off and at the same time raise the quality of the product.


In this dissertation, the differences between Heavy Wide Loom and ordinary loom in welt insertion, warp, abb, warp beam, heddle, speed and battening are pointed out. The development situation of Heavy Wide Loom is analyzed. The organization of Heavy Wide Loom and function of let-off system are discussed. The composition of let-off system is completely studied, which includes the detect system of warp tension, the control system of electron let-off and the drive system of beam.


Achievements which are achieved by scientific research of predecessors are summarized. Some methods of how to generate self-similar process and a few means of estimating self-similar parameter are given. Self-similar traffics are generated by using of ON/OFF model with heavy-tailed distribution and results are given. The results of experiment accord with the theory. This identicalness indicates that the method of getting results by using of ON/OFF model is feasible.


The off-contractions were also cholinergically mediated as they disappeared under non-adrenergic,non-cholinergic conditions using atropine and guanethidine.In fundic strips,ghrelin and GHRP-6 induced on-relaxation and off-contraction and both ghrelin and GHRP-6 may significantly reduced on-response and increased off-response.


At this point the Stove Leg turns into an off-width. My off-width technique is horrible. I usually flail about until I get up or fall out. This one was no different. I flailed up it until I was about three feet from the sling. I was hot, getting slimly hands and getting very pumped.

由此开始 Stove Leg变成一个off-width,我off-width技术很差,我通常要挥动很大的蛮力往上或是坠落,这次也没有差别,我上攀到距绳环三英呎处,因为天气很热,细长的手臂变得僵硬了。

Methods Fifteen rabbits were divided into three groups: group A (posterior limbs was completely cut off and posterior tibia artery was ligated with posterior tibia vein), group B (posterior limb was uncompletely cut off and posterior tibia artery was ligated with posterior tibia vein), group C posterior limb was completely cut off and traditional operation type was applied to ligate the posterior tibia artery with posterior tibia artery (control group.


Airo {ah'-ee-ro} a primary root; TDNT - 1:185,28; v AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 to raise up, elevate, lift up 1a to raise from the ground, take up: stones 1b to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand 1c to draw up: a fish 2 to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear 3 to bear away what has been raised, carry off 3a to move from its place 3b to take off or away what is attached to anything 3c to remove 3d to carry off, carry away with one 3e to appropriate what is taken 3f to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force 3g to take and apply to any use 3h to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence 3i cause to cease

相关经文回前一页 142 airo {ah'-ee-ro}原始的字根; TDNT - 1:185,28;动词 AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 举起,提起,提高 1a 由地上举起,拿起一个东西:例:石头 1b 举起,抬高,提高一个东西:例:头 1c 拖,拉一个东西:例:鱼 2 to take upon one's self and 拿走被举起的东西,承担 3 拿走被举起的东西,强行带走 3a 由一个地方迁移 3b 拿走或移走附在一个东西上的物件 3c 移开 3d 带走一个人 3e 欣赏被带走的东西 3f 拿走原属於一个人或已经允诺给他的东西,夺取 3g 拿走且任意使用 3h 死亡,不论是自然死亡或因著外力 3i 停止

In control group, obturator nerve controlling right gracilis was cut off. In in situ implantation group, the right gracilis was cut off and replanted to its original site, and the obturator nerve was implanted to the muscle. In ectopic transplantation group, the right gracilis was cut off and transplanted to the muscle of the left leg, and the obturator nerve was implanted to the muscle.


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Mama Had A Baby And His Head Popped Off
Off And Running
Stop The World (And Let Me Off)
And The Sentence Trails Off...
Stop The World (And Let Me Off)
The Take Off And Landing Of Everything
Hauled Off And Kissed Me
Get Off My Dick And Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here
Get Off My Dick And Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here (Remix)
Stop The World (And Let Me Off)

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
