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of no use相关的网络例句

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与 of no use 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is by traditional Chinese medicine in beast it is serial in pharmaceutical for development and employing being of products in particle in in veterinarian theoretical foundation, Combine whom modern traditional Chinese medicine develop use mainly treatment , poultry of epidemic disease for , innovation its order , lie in series of products this belong to pure traditional Chinese medicine particle, not so incomplete as medicines, curative effect is precise ; Employ modern detection means to determine the effective composition, improve the production technology, there is no quantitative current situation to makeover traditional Chinese medicine, it is controllable to reach quality , and produce industrialization by animal remedy GMP management.


The use of new brands of liniment should be in the local test, then confirmed that there is no allergic reaction.


When a federal panel that regulates fishing in the Gulf of Mexico voted last week to limit the use of longlines to catch grouper because the lines can snag and drown threatened loggerhead sea turtles, no one was completely satisfied with the decision.


It will be seen, however, that majolica can give significant indications regarding the use and disuse of certain instruments over the centuries as well as being a depositary for the conservation, uncontaminated by time, of images narrating past realities; we will see, for example, how during the Renaissance the lute and the vielle were widespread, as was the organ, whether portative or positive; we no longer encounter these in baroque majolica and it is above all the violin which we find in majolica of the Eighteenth Century.

人们会注意到,通过对陶器的观察,我们可以知道在那几个世纪的年代中,人们喜欢用哪些乐器,不喜欢用哪些乐器。陶器上还画有关于过去人们生活的写照,这些图画虽经岁月却依然清晰。例如,我们可以看到,在文艺复兴时期,鲁特琴和vielle (或叫 lira da braccio)非常流行,而可携带的或固定的风琴也很流行。在十七世纪的陶器中,我们就看不到这种情况了。而在十八世纪的陶器中,我们只能看到小提琴了。

IE is released can use in Windows system only all the time up to now, but look now, no matter be to average consumer or enterprise user character, microsoft wants have the aid of this browser retains the user the think of a way in Windows system already malapropos.


The optimal temperature of D6 is 30℃, the optimal pH ,7.0. The growth of D6 makes use of glucose, malt sugar, lactose, cane sugar, lactic acid, ethanol, glycerin, glycine, but no acetic acid and n-butanol. It can grow in Na2SO4, Na2SOa, Na2S2O3 and S media, and Na2S2O3 is the best substrate.


However, this role is based on historical use and knowledge of the chemistry of meadowsweet's constituents; to date, no human studies have been completed with meadowsweet.


In addition, there is no mention of how much the country of Myria charges as fees for the use of national parks.


However, the obligations of confidentiality, limited use and nondisclosure hereunder with respect to the Business Relationship and any Confidential Information shall continue until such time that the information disclosed no longer constitutes Confidential Information under Section 2 of this Agreement, and such obligations shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

然而, 机密的义务,有限使用和未公开以下有关于商务关系和任何的机密数据将继续到如此的时间数据揭露不再组成在这协议的第 2 节下面的机密的数据,和如此的义务将幸存任何的这协议的终止。

As in recent years has been committed to environmentally friendly plastic materials research and development of Fujian Normal University, developed a series of 'light calcium-utility environment-friendly plastic materials', we can no longer be able to make the ultimate use of waste plastic to adapt to different treatment.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。