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of no use相关的网络例句

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与 of no use 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present no mathematical tables could be utilized and no detail characteristics could be known. This paper makes use synthetically of Taylor series expansion and asymptotic expansion of complex argument Fresnel integral and argument transition function and the connections of the two expansions are analysized and found.


And in this series of works, I use many ready made articles and become more boldly and freely when choosing the media. What's more, the painting no longer use the traditional monoculture way to handle its background in a two-dimensional plane, instead, I frame my painting in a more diversified hyperspace.


11 The facilities hereby expressed to be granted to the Borrower may be utilized or drawn down by all or any one or more of them AND the repayment and other obligations of the Borrower hereunder shall continue to be binding upon all of them notwithstanding that not all of them may from time to time or at any time have been making use of the facilities hereby expressed to be granted or that such facilities may be utilized by all or any one or more of the Borrower in different proportions AND shall continue in full force and effect and be binding upon all the persons comprising the Borrower and any of them not released by the Lender from their obligations hereunder notwithstanding the liquidation or cessation of business of any of the Borrower or the release by the Lender of any one or more of the Borrower from any or all of their obligations hereunder AND no arrangement between the Borrower and their successors or assigns shall prejudice the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against any one or more of them and in such order and manner as the Lender may think fit and the relationship between the Lender and/or the Borrower shall be that of principal and debtors and no giving of time or indulgence to or release of any one or more of the Borrower shall affect the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against the other or others as if such giving of time indulgence or release had not been made

18.11 根据本契据明文规定批予借款人的信贷安排,可由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人使用或提取,而借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续对全部各人具约束力,即使并非全部各人皆不时或在任何时间利用根据本契据明文规定批予的信贷安排,或即使信贷安排可能由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人按不同比例使用,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务仍须继续对全部各人具约束力。即使借款人任何一个清盘或停业,或贷款人已解除借款人任何一个或多个在本契据中的任何或全部责任,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续有效,并对借款人所包括的全部各人及当中任何未获贷款人解除本契据义务的人士具约束力;借款人、其继承人或受让人之间的安排,不得妨碍贷款人以其认为合适的次序及方式针对借款人及其继承人/受让人任何一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,而贷款人及/或借款人之间的关系须为债权人与债务人之间的关系,借款人任何一人或多人获延期、宽限或免除责任,均不得影响贷款人针对其他一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,犹如从未作出延期、宽限或免除责任一样。

During the curing process, first,to inject the Harmony No.1 at focus of patient directly to let medicine go inside of tumour, and after 24hours, the medicine will damage and dissolve the tumour cells; second, prick the area has been injected and make it as cinquefoil, use minus-pressure puller to drain gore of dead tumour cell out of body; third,to inject Harmony No.1 at focus again, then inject in mainline to clear virus and tumour cells haven't been formed in blood.


Dry it Do not like ordinary clothes hanger to use as distraction, you can use hangers and hung them up down the middle, then take the sleeves continue to minimize the pull of gravity on the sweater, you can ensure that no deformation.


It can be concluded from the above analysis that at the beginning of language, simple linguistic signs, coming from sound imitation, natural exclamation and morphological stimulation, took a strong feature of iconicity, while arbitrariness still existed to a little extent. With time going by, the primitives had to create more linguistic signs to meet their needs of survival and development, so that they arbitrarily related the sound patterns and concepts to conventionalize them as linguistic signs adopted in the whole society. During this period of time, arbitrariness played a more important role, while iconicity still worked as phenomena of phonaesthesia designate. With society developing, human beings found that it was not enough to create new signs at will, so they began to make use of some principles like compound, derivation, etc. to form new linguistic signs, either simple or complex. The linguistic signs formed during this period of time always took a better disguise to be iconic, while no one until now could defuse the contributions of arbitrariness of their formation. From the above investigations, it can be seen that arbitrariness and iconicity interact in the whole process of language development at the level of lexicon. If there were no arbitrariness, human language could not expand at the very beginning.


Rare cases of embryopathy, including aplasia cutis, have been reported with the use of MMI during pregnancy, whereas no such cases have been reported with PTU use. Thus, PTU may be more appropriate for patients with Graves' disease who are in their first trimester of pregnancy.


Dalton has no responsibility to inform Customer of any decision to use, not use or

Dalton 在事件中不承担任何附带的、特别的或导致的损失, Dalton 明白这种损失的

objective:to investigate the therapeutic action of somatostatin in pancreatic leakage after pancreaticoduodenectomy.methods: to collect 100 patients with pancreaticoduodenectomy during 2003~2006,contrast 44 patients use somatostatin after pancreaticoduodenectomy as experimental group,and 56 patients with conventional therapy as control group.results:there were no pancreatic leakage case in the modified group of 44 cases.3 cases complicating pancreatic leakage occurd in control group,and the proportion of pancreatic leakage are different examined by statistic mathord.conclusions:use somatostatin after pd can restrain organism excrete diastase vera,and help anastomotic stoma to concrescent and decrease pancreatic leakage;pancreatic leakage should be treated by different grades,grade 1 can be cured by persistent drainage with somatostatin and nutritional support;grade 2 should be pay more energetic intervention.

作者单位:潍坊医学院,潍坊 261042;潍坊市人民医院肝胆外科,潍坊 261042 目的:探讨生长抑素在胰十二指肠切除术后减少胰漏的作用。方法:收集2003年1月~2006年12月施行pd患者100例,术后应用生长抑素持续泵入病人44例,并与同期施行的pd术后常规应用全肠外营养及抗生素治疗病人56例,结果进行了对比观察。结果:实验组病人44例无1例发生胰漏,对照组56例病人,3例发生不同程度的胰漏,发生率5.3%,统计学比较有显著差异(p<0.05)。结论: pd后应用生长抑素持续泵入可以抑制胰酶的作用,使胰肠吻合口较好地愈合,从而有效地减少胰漏的发生;胰漏可进行分级治疗,ⅰ级胰漏采用通畅引流为主,同时使用生长抑素和营养支持等治疗多可治愈,ⅱ级胰漏需要积极治疗。

The dispersion medium used in the invention is water, but not organic solvent; the product obtained in synthesis reaction is innoxious water-based liquid, and has no secondary pollution after use. The invention has the advantages of simple production technology and convenient use.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
