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of no use相关的网络例句

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与 of no use 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the process we followed seven principles listed below.1 Through clinical and laboratory research, the selected formula is demonstrated to have an obvious efficacy on a target disease—definite efficacy, superior to western medicines.2 Have no or little side effect—safely use.3 On selecting formulae, place priority to treatment basing on an overall analysis of the illness, and then to discriminatingly use of medicines for the convenience of promoting products in the north America.4 Contain no components prohibited by FDA or —accord with laws.5 Composition of herbs is relatively simple; selected herbs have abundant herbal resources; avoid using rare and costly components.6 Broadly recognized, have formal quality standards.7 Little repeat among selected formulae.


It has been found that the nutritional value of soybean capsules is the same as that of the corn when feeding cows. In recent years, conclusion is drawn which it has determinate effect that appropriate soybean capsule are added into the diet of enceinte sows, and it has no negative effect substitution of soybean husks for wheaten bran in feeding enceinte sows. Nevertheless, no report on the use of soybean husks in feeding growth-finishing pigs. It slows down the use of soybean husks in animal breeding.


For the sake of our se indocile kidses, be sometimes connect oneself think of, oneself of do of but all don't think, just just is really not easy for the sake of the other people, I really feel good regret, the good heart be vexed, I when then can have 1:00 use, my in the mind really panic, sometimes want oneself really ridiculous, but sometimes is very strong and unyielding, I since the childhood have no oneself of heaven, I really don't know my later of day is what appearance, if when I remind of these matter of time, my tears with through continuously turn to move in the tears frame, I although have no too Gao of culture, my whole life in the middle I with lose two opportunity, I don't want to be losing, but when I want to do point what of time, my heart was really full of hope, but did some energy all have no, I very timidity, there is no strength yes, I don't know how to do, if the life really want me to have no position in the world here, why still make me on the hoof, I am exactly and when my life in the middle, greatest beginning


So I used a quilt cover not a overstaffed sleeping bag again, it was cheaper and clean and easy; there are street lamps in the center of city, there is star and moon in mountain, so I needed not a headlight; there are so many rest houses, it is buggy to bring a tent, when camping, I could not have a wash, and could not go to toilet; the bag for washing tools is so expensive and no any use, a plastic bag would be better; Chocolates and ship biscuits are very insipid, and no alimentation, the local chicken soup would be more better; less clothing can reduce weights, if washing many times so, can change many times; books and magazines and CD and small sound boxes are also left at home, I preferred to sleep for a while or have a chat with local people; I preferred a ordinary cup bought in supermarkets to a LANKEN water bottle, the ordinary cup is not easy to be broken and not hot, and easy for brushing teeth; and, when I knew I could not become a shoot master, so I did not bring a camera now, I thought it was enough to use the digital cameral; and the most laughable were my alpenstocks, they just could be used to beat dogs besides showing peacockish, but I could found any sticks anywhere to beat dogs; and I did not bring anything which were not necessary

臃肿的睡袋换成被套,经济又实惠干净又轻便;城市里有路灯,山野里有星星和月亮,要头灯干吗;各处都有招待所,带帐篷是神经病,没洗澡来没马桶;洗漱包贵的最无聊,还不如用一塑料袋;巧克力和压缩饼干难吃没营养,不如当地土鸡汤;衣物少带能减好几斤,勤洗也就能勤换;闲书杂志 CD 机小音响也一概不带,有那时间可以睡觉或和当地人多聊聊天; LANKEN 水壶也要被超市买的太空杯替代,不怕摔不怕烫还口大好刷牙;还有,在明白自己成不了摄影大师后,现在我连带照相机的勇气都快没有了,以后就用傻瓜数码拍拍到此一游算了;可笑的是那行走杖,除了骚以外最大的用处是打狗,可打狗棍到处都能拣到。

Because in general there is no soft zones notebook, it is necessary to use DOS software under inspection is very difficult in general, Chinese multi-DOS startup disk U emergence 1.0 solved this problem, these two software will be able to view the notebook under DOS information, but now the use of DOS software testing is very scarce, you can find basically no way for the laptop, currently only found in relatively good AIDA16 2.10 +, Fortunately, now in the testing machine under DOS situation rarely encountered, but prepared to react to them (tell the truth, should there be any problem is basically parallel distributors will not let you casually testing machine software, which directly go for a well).

因为现在笔记本一般没有软区,要使用DOS下的验机软件一般很困难,中文多功能DOS启动U盘 1.0 的出现就解决了这个问题,以上两个软件配合使用就可以在DOS下查看笔记本的信息了,不过现在在DOS下使用的验机软件十分稀少,可以找的到的基本上没法用于笔记本电脑,目前只发现了AIDA16 2.10+比较不错,好在现在在DOS下验机的情况也很少遇到,不过有备无患嘛(说实话,如果真有问题的话基本上水货经销商是不会让你随便软件验机的,这种情况直接走人换一家好了)。

The four sets of atmosphere automatic monitor systems real-time automatic monitor the atmosphere quality around the factory district,including SO2, NH3, NOX, H2S and VOC , simultaneously, the four sub-stations also measure the weather conditions and the noise. No.1 and No.2 sub-stations use the imported equipment ML/EC 9800 which were producted by Australic Ecotech Company. No.3 and No.4 sub-stations use the imported equipment which were producted by French ESA.Any sub-station has a higher technical resquirement and maintenance difficulity.

4个大气自动检测站对厂区及周边的空气质量,包括空气中的SO2, NO3, NOX, H2S , VOC 进行实时自动监测;同时,子站也对气象条件以及噪声等进行测量。1、2号子站所采用的为澳大利亚Ecotech公司生产的ML/EC9800细类进口设备;3、4号子站所采用的为法国怡孚公司生产的进口设备,各子站技术要求和维护难度均较高。

There were no significant facilitating effects to the retention of signaled information in the overuse of text signals condition, but there were in the selective use of text signals condition. Experiment 3, in which 2 small experiments contained, studied the effects of reader-based factors. Experiment 3a examined the effects of the familarity to the text topics and the readers' reading levels. Experiment 3b explored the effects of cognitive style and the intention to use the text signals. The results were as the follows: There were no significant difference between the signaled and unsignaled conditions in the circumstance of high familarity to the text topics, but there were significant differences between them in the circumstances of lower familarity to the text topics. There were no significant differences between the signaled and unsignaled conditions for the field-independent participants, but there were for the field-dependent participants. All the participants with different reading levels were helped by the text signals.

实验3 对不同主体因素条件下文章标记效应进行了研究,分2个分实验,实验3a以高中二年级学生为被试,研究了文章主题熟悉程度与阅读水平对文章标记效应的影响,实验3b以初中二年级学生为被试,探索了读者不同的认知方式与标记利用的意向对文章标记效应的影响,实验3结果发现,读者的阅读水平、对文章主题的熟悉程度、认知方式和利用标记意向等因素影响着文章标记效应,在文章主题熟悉的条件下,有无文章标记无显著差异,但在主题不熟悉条件下,有文章标记的效果显著优于无标记的效果;对场独立被试而言,有无标记无显著差异,但对场依存被试来说,有标记条件显著优于无标记条件;文章标记对不同阅读水平被试都有显著促进效应;文章标记利用意向对场独立与场依存被试都有显著促进效应。

The difference between bails and savings is to have no transeor of right of use and no right to use the bail for stock company.


Gas membrane permeation and membrane absorption have a lot of advantages, such as little investment, low energy use, convenient use and simple operation, in addition, membrane absorption also has some merits including surprisingly high interfacial area, absence of emulsions, no unloading at low flow rates, no flooding at high flow rates. So gas membrane permeation and membrane absorption are used for separation propylene / hydrogen chloride in this paper.


1800 Mm-1500 3000 mm ball mill, was namedú·, while Shandong Province has been approved for use in quality and Technical Supervision mark (superscript U Lu Zi No. No. 89575); jaw crusher overload clutch protection device by Country Patent for utility model patents (Patent No.: 89216120.5); JC56 jaw crusher was gold country scientific and technological progress±Authority (Certificate No.: J9044102); PYX-900 spring-cone machine has been fine gold in Shandong Province as the Industrial Development Bureau of Science and Technology progress second prize (Item No.:93-0038); JC4060 jaw crusher has been gold in Shandong Province, Shandong Province as the Industrial Development Bureau of the outcome of the first prize of scientific and technological progress (Item No.:93-0011); with the Beijing Non-ferrous Metallurgy Research total Institute jointly developed JC1575 jaw crusher, in 2003 through the provincial-level new product identification, the aircraft without the use of foreign technology friction broken, broken than large, high production efficiency, low energy consumption and long life jaw plate, fine granularity, cone crusher and ordinary compared to 40 percent savings in investment, with the jaw crusher enhance yield compared to 20-50%. The "through train" service, the user no worries. Technical talents, in the same industry took the lead in the implementation of process design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, technical training, production "one-stop turnkey" service. The company has design institute, under the mechanical design department and the Department of Mineral Processing Design by senior engineers, capable technical staff composed of personnel and after-sales service after-sales service team of professionals, nationwide, service mine. Zhaoyuan Gold Machinery Plant Co., Ltd.

900×1800㎜—φ1500×3000㎜球磨机,被评为省优产品,同时被山东省技术监督局批准使用优质产品标志(鲁标优字第89575号);颚式破碎机过载离合保护装置获国家专利局实用新型专利(专利号:89216120.5);JC56颚式破碎机获国家黄金管理局科技进步四等奖(证书号:J9044102);PYX—900弹簧圆锥细碎机被山东省黄金工业局评为科技进步成果二等奖(项目编号:93—0038);JC4060颚式破碎机被山东省黄金工业局评为山东省科技进步成果一等奖(项目编号:93—0011);与北京有色冶金研究总院联合研制的JC1575颚式破碎机, 2003年通过省级新产品鉴定,该机采用国外无磨擦破碎技术,破碎比大、生产效率高、能耗低、颚板寿命长、产品粒度细,与普通圆锥破碎机相比节省投资40%,与颚式破碎机相比提高产量20—50%。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
