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与 occurred 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such as anemia have occurred, it would take to add iron to oral ferrous sulfate or ferrous fumarate tablets better.


You don't, however, have to take responsibility for the joke, its wit or funniness or tact or potentially insulting or demeaning content; when you submit it we understand you offer it as an example of what this person thought was funny in this circumstance. Some jokes will be "funny", some won't... finding them funny might be a good secondary effect of this exercise, but it's primarily a structure of listening and recording. You may if you like include one visual cartoon for your verbal joke, but you should still designate where it occurred, and in what context.


I believe that my drug furuncle swelling was particularly prevalent in the one-year-old infants, especially malnourished, weak and sickly babies, most of them occurred in the head on his forehead and neck, upper and lower, etc.


Gaillard added that UEFA would only investigate incidents that occurred within the stadium.


This is especially common when the bulk of the weight gain occurred during the course of the relationship.


Error occurred in meiosis in gamete formation.


However, they note that "an effect limited to a single type of aging gamete would be more difficult to detect," and "doubtless some misclassification occurred in timing of conception."


It occurred to me", wrote Richard Gatling in 1877,"that if I could invent a machine—a gun—which could, by rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would, to a great extent, supersede the necessity of large armies.


This approach can circumvent gelation occurred in the classical condensation polymerization of A〓 and B〓.


Results In both groups after injury, several changes on oculomotor nerve occurred including number reduction of neurons, dispersion in distribution, disappearance of sub-nuclear structure, structure destruction of fibers and myelin sheath, neurite gemmation, and specificity decrease in fibers distribution, while all these changes in section-suture group were more obvious.

结果 不同损伤均可导致神经元的数量减少,分布散乱,亚核分布结构改变,神经纤维和髓鞘的结构破坏,轴突芽生及再生纤维分布的特异性降低,而且上述改变在神经切断组更加明显。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
