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与 occurred 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concordance between WB-DWI and PET occurred in 12 of 16 patients (75%).


During the PCD, condensation of nucleus, marginalization of chromatin, nuclear membrane shrinkage and destruction apparently occurred, and many vesicles appeared in the cytoplasm, which may be related to the degradation of cell substances.


C As a condition precedent to recovery, claims must be filed in writing with the receiving or delivering carrier, or carrier issuing this bill of lading, or carrier on whose line the loss, damage, injury or delay occurred, within nine months after delivery of the property (or, in case of export traffic, within nine months after delivery at port of export) or, in case of failure to make delivery, then within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed; and suits shall be instituted against any carrier only within two years and one day from the day when notice in writing is given by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts thereof specified in the notice.

2.3 作为赔偿的前提条件,索赔请求必须作成书面,于交货后的9个月内(或,如为出口运输,在出口港交货后的9个月内)或,如果未按时交货,应在一合理时间之后9个月内,呈交收货或交货的承运人,或签发本提单的承运人,或在其线路上发生了灭失、损失、伤害或延误的承运人;在承运人书面通知索赔人,说明承运人不同意赔付或任何部分赔付之日后的两年零一天内可以对承运人提起诉讼,如不按以上规定要求索赔或提起诉讼,承运人将不负任何责任,也不作任何赔偿。

That means that if you intend to repeat an experiment until the first success, then, given that the first success has not yet occurred, the conditional probability distribution of the number of additional trials does not depend on how many failures have been observed.


An unprogrammed conditional jump to a specified address that is automatically activated by hardware, a recording being made of the location from which the jump occurred.


The method is also suitable for the wire path intersection occurred in cutting cone-shaped models.


The fight is known to have occurred among people began to have a conflict of interest.


No re-rupture of Achilles tendon occurred, There were 2 wound infection and 1 conglutination.


But, while the Anglican church was sunk in spiritual and intellectual lethargy in the South, and while it had a rather attenuated existence in the Middle states, an event occurred in New England in 1722 which was of the greatest promise for the future of Anglicanism, and which shook Congregationalism in New England to its very foundations.

但是,尽管圣公会被击沉,在精神和智力的沉睡在南方,而它造成了比较大的衰减存在,在中东国家,即一个事件发生在新英格兰地区,在1722年,这是最大的承诺,为未来的anglicanism ,而摇头公理,在新英格兰,其根本基础。

The jitter mainly includes the jitter caused by transmitting of Line and the jitter occurred by equipments of compound connecter.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
