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Many of his works in logic and metaphysics had, however, been consigned to the flames, so that he left no school, and the end of the dominion of the Moors in Spain, which occurred shortly afterwards, turned the current of Averroism completely into Hebrew and Latin channels, through which it influenced the thought of Christian Europe down to the dawn of the modern era.


14Th week after injury, the reorganization of labelled neurons' distribution was found in the autograft group, but only one case in the NTN/PGLA group. Conclusion Local application of PGLA tube with neurturin can recover the axoplasm flow of regenerated nerve fibers, its long-term effect can match that of the nerve autograft, and collateral axonal branching occurred less.


The M/V Selendang Ayu was carrying half a million gallons of bunker C fuel oil. The last great cargo ship disaster in the Aleutians occurred in 1997 when the M/V Kuroshima ran aground, releasing 39,000 gallons of bunker oil.

这次 Selendang Ayu 泄漏了其一半的燃料。1997年马来西亚的 Kuroshima 货轮搁浅事故造成了39万加仑的燃料泄漏,是阿留申群岛海域最大的一次泄漏事故。

When bilateral ureters were completely obstructed and severe azotemia occurred, the prognosis may be better and the renal function can be recovered if the obstruction is removed within 48 hours.


When bilateral ureters were completely obstructed and severe azotemia occurred, the prognosis may be better and the renal function can be recovered if the obstruction is removed within 48 hours. If the obstruction will be removed in more than 72 hours, the renal function and the prognosis is worse.


when bilateral ureters were completely obstructed and severe azotemia occurred, the prognosis may be better and the renal function can be recovered if the obstruction is removed within 48 hours. if the obstruction will be removed in more than 72 hours, the renal function can not be recovered and the prognosis is worse.


The Azov was on its last day of combat duty in the troubled area before returning to base in Sebastapol when the incident occurred.


When Babbage was working at Cambridge, a new idea occurred to him.

答案 当Babbage在剑桥工作时,他想到了一个新的主意。

Mean follow-up was 32 months. Bacteremia occurred in 29 (26%) patients with 5 (17%) being recurrent; it was seen during the first month after transplantation in 13 (12%), between 1 and 3 months in 12 (11%), between 3 and 12 months in 3 (3%), and after the first year in 3 cases (3%).

对这些患者进行的平均随访时间为32 个月。29名患者(26%)出现了菌血性,其中5例(17%)为复发性;13例(12%)出现在移植后的第1个月,12例(11%)出现在术后第1至3个月,3例(3%)出现在3至12个月,3例(3%)出现在术后第一年。

There were 11 episodes of bacteremia and lungs were the source in 5 cases. Sixteen deaths occurred and 6 (37.5%) were due to infection.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
