查询词典 obscuring
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But the Garbha strikes human, unawakened perception as being not the Essence, since the seeing of that Essence is clouded by obscuring and distorting factors the moral contaminants called the kleshas.
While Anne was speaking my mother unfroze within the diamond, which started whooshing towards the front of the screen, obscuring Anne and Nick, and revealing, as it did so, that my mother was thrusting a microphone under the nose of a mousy-looking woman.
TFT-LCD is a very important spatial light modulator in optical information processing. The matrix of TFT -LCD is constructed with a metal mask that covers the inter - pixel spaces, obscuring the thin fihn transistors and preventing light leakage through the unswitched parts of the panel.
Characteristic of star forming regions, the telltale red emission from hydrogen gas also permeates the view along with dark, obscuring dust clouds seen in silhouette against the background stars and brighter nebulosities.
This may be a case of rhetoric obscuring fact.
Another important issue is one of occlusion: near objects obscuring far objects.
It has been obscuring the difference between a country and a government and most people are actually buying what they say .
Over the years, I have come to appreciate how wonderfully rich a language Chinese can be when it comes to obscuring communication.
We will conclude this chapter by showing you the process of obscuring information in ADempiere.
It is the very event of obscuring, a descent of the night,an invasion of shadow.
- 推荐网络例句
The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!
LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.
It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.