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与 objection 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our company's main products are: all kinds of crab meat, swimming crab, cut crab, octopus, yellow croaker, dried shrimp, monkfish, octopus, seasonging dried shredded squid, eel, cuttlefish, 95% of our products are exported to foreign countries,"quality first, reputation highest" is our business objection.


Objection To develop a animal model of human monozygotic twins.

目的 为基因型完全相同的同卵双胞胎人类动物模型的建立积累基础资料。

In the film, they are described as "the worst kind of Muggles" because of their objection to imagination and creativity.


Height of Bitches --From28 inches upwards. There is no objection to a bitch being large, unlesstoo coarse, as even at her greatest height she does not approach thatof the dog, and therefore could not be too big for work as overbig dogsare.


Objection: To study the correlation with Epstein-Barr virus and lymphoma genomic imbanlanced expression, the relationship between gene gains and losses, manifesttion, Pathlogic subtype and Prognose.


That this fundamental book of religion, containing such a free and pure stream of truth, could be pseudepigraphic, and that the whole nation should have considered as of Mosaic origin and of divine authority, and have adopted at once, without objection or criticism, a book which was a forgery, of the existence of which no one knew anything before that time, and which demanded radical modifications of the religious life, and especially of worship, is inconceivable.

这本书根本的宗教,载有这样一个自由和纯流的真理,可pseudepigraphic ,以及全民族应视为镶嵌的起源和神圣的权力,并已通过一次,无异议或批评,本书是伪造的,存在哪些没有人知道什么之前的时间,要求修改激进的宗教生活,特别是崇拜,是不可想象的。

That this fundamental book of religion, containing such a free and pure stream of truth, could be pseudepigraphic, and that the whole nation should have considered as of Mosaic origin and of divine authority, and have adopted at once, without objection or criticism, a book which was a forgery, of the existence of which no one knew anything before that time, and which demanded radical modifications of the religious life, and especially of worship, is inconceivable.


The main objection to this definition is that it excludes many people in China and India who are recognizably middle-class but earn less than $12 a day.


As for the further objection that the apocalyptic character of ii, 2-12, is post-Pauline and dependent upon so late a composition as the Apocalypse of John (AD 93-96) or, worse still upon the Nero redivivus story Tacitus Hist.

至於进一步的反对,该世界末日性质二, 2月12日,是后波琳和依赖这麼晚组成的启示约翰(公元93-96 ),或者更糟的是对尼禄redivivus故事

Objection: To investigate the efficacy of UV irradiation own blood and reinfusion into the patients with pulmonary heart disease.


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Objection Overruled

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
