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与 numeric 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conclusions— The decrease in polyploidy and increase in diploidy after left ventricular assist device suggest a numeric increase in diploid cardiomyocytes (eg, through cell cycle progression with completion of mitosis or by increased stem cells).


Fig 1 The results of two color FISH A:Normal sperms(a sperm nucleus with a red fluorescence domain was X sperm, and with a green fluorescence domian was Y sperm);B:Numeric chromosome abnormal sperm two green fluorescence domains within the same sperm nucleus which may be classified in Y disomic sperm or diploidy sperm, in the case of hybridization with two probes, one euchromosome specific and the other sex chromosome specific, this sperm could be discriminated as disomic or diploidy sperm

图1 双色荧光原位杂交结果 A:正常精子(精子头部有1个红色荧光信号者为X精子,有1个绿色荧光信号者为Y精子);B:染色体数目异常精子两个绿色荧光信号同在1个精子核内,可为Y双体精子或二倍体精子,若用1条常染色体探针和1条性染色体探针进行双色荧光原位杂交,可以区别该精子属Y双体精子或二倍体精子

After discussing the general methods and solving steps, we study and give the discrete functions under the flow field situation for different accuracy demand, and then make the numeric calculation.


Students design hardware and software to write numeric messages to the 7-segment display on the XS40 board.

学生们设计的硬件和软件的作用是让 XS40实验板上的7段数码管显示出各种数字信息。

The "/" key is the division sign on the numeric key pad.


ActionScript 2.0 has a single numeric type, Number, a double-precision, floating point number.

ActionScript 2.0用Number定义有单精度数字类型和双精度浮点数字类型。

Making use of the space vector method, this article sets up two coordinate numeric control grinding motion model of elliptic taper piston, and researches on the law of error compensation for the systematic motion after dressing grinding wheel.


Hold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash.

按住其中一个 ALT 键,用数字键盘输入:0150得到一个短破折号或0151得到长破折号。

In traditional statistical pattern recognition theory,pattern features are usually represented as a numeric vector and can be considered as a point in an n dimensional Euclidean space.

传统统计模式识别理论中模式特征一般表示为一个数值向量,并被视作 n 维欧式空间中的一个点。

By comparing the equivalent mobility method with the direct solution method and the reverse direct solution method, reverse direct solution method is adapted in solution process because it is more excellent than the others in complicated numeric calculation, and the universality, validity and extensionality of systemic solution are realized.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
