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now and again相关的网络例句

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与 now and again 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

June 28. Having been somewhat refresh'd with the Sleep I had had, and the Fit being entirely off, I got up; and tho' the Fright and Terror of my Dream was very great, yet I consider'd, that the Fit of the Ague wou'd return again the next Day, and now was my Time to get something to refresh and support my self when I should be ill; and the first Thing I did, I fill'd a large square Case Bottle with Water, and set it upon my Table, in Reach of my Bed; and to take off the chill or aguish Disposition of the Water, I put about a Quarter of a Pint of Rum into it, and mix'd them together; then I got me a Piece of the Goat's Flesh, and broil'd it on the Coals, but could eat very little; I walk'd about, but was very weak, and withal very sad and heavy-hearted in the Sense of my miserable Condition; dreading the Return of my Distemper the next Day; at Night I made my Supper of three of the Turtle's Eggs, which I roasted in the Ashes, and eat, as we call it, in the Shell; and this was the first Bit of Meat I had ever ask'd God's Blessing to, even as I cou'd remember, in my whole Life.


The next Day after I came home to my Hutch with him, I began to consider where I should lodge him, and that I might do well for him, and yet be perfectly easy my self; I made a little Tent for him in the vacant Place between my two Fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first; and as there was a Door, or Entrance there into my Cave, I made a formal fram'd Door Case, and a Door to it of Boards, and set it up in the Passage, a little within the Entrance; and causing the Door to open on the inside, I barr'd it up in the Night, taking in my Ladders too; so that Friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost Wall, without making so much Noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first Wall had now a compleat Roof over it of long Poles, covering all my Tent, and leaning up to the side of the Hill, which was again laid cross with smaller Sticks instead of Laths, and then thatch'd over a great Thickness, with the Rice Straw, which was strong like Reeds; and at the Hole or Place which was left to go in or out by the Ladder, I had plac'd a kind of Trap-door, which if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have open'd at all, but would have fallen down, and made a great Noise; and as to Weapons, I took them all to my Side every Night.


When tea was over, and Mrs Fairfax had taken her knitting, and I had assumed a low seat near her, and Adele, kneeling on the carpet, had nestled close up to me, and a sense of mutual affection seemed to surround us with a ring of golden peace, I uttered a silent prayer that we might not be parted far or soon; but when, as we thus sat, Mr Rochester entered unannounced, and, looking at us, seemed to take pleasure in the spectacle of a group so amicable — when he said he supposed the old lady was all right now that she had got her adopted daughter back again, and added that he saw Adele was 'prete a croquer sa petite maman Anglaise'— I had ventured to hope that he would, even after his marriage, keep us together somewhere under the shelter of his protection and not quite exiled from the sunshine of his presence.


So I used a quilt cover not a overstaffed sleeping bag again, it was cheaper and clean and easy; there are street lamps in the center of city, there is star and moon in mountain, so I needed not a headlight; there are so many rest houses, it is buggy to bring a tent, when camping, I could not have a wash, and could not go to toilet; the bag for washing tools is so expensive and no any use, a plastic bag would be better; Chocolates and ship biscuits are very insipid, and no alimentation, the local chicken soup would be more better; less clothing can reduce weights, if washing many times so, can change many times; books and magazines and CD and small sound boxes are also left at home, I preferred to sleep for a while or have a chat with local people; I preferred a ordinary cup bought in supermarkets to a LANKEN water bottle, the ordinary cup is not easy to be broken and not hot, and easy for brushing teeth; and, when I knew I could not become a shoot master, so I did not bring a camera now, I thought it was enough to use the digital cameral; and the most laughable were my alpenstocks, they just could be used to beat dogs besides showing peacockish, but I could found any sticks anywhere to beat dogs; and I did not bring anything which were not necessary

臃肿的睡袋换成被套,经济又实惠干净又轻便;城市里有路灯,山野里有星星和月亮,要头灯干吗;各处都有招待所,带帐篷是神经病,没洗澡来没马桶;洗漱包贵的最无聊,还不如用一塑料袋;巧克力和压缩饼干难吃没营养,不如当地土鸡汤;衣物少带能减好几斤,勤洗也就能勤换;闲书杂志 CD 机小音响也一概不带,有那时间可以睡觉或和当地人多聊聊天; LANKEN 水壶也要被超市买的太空杯替代,不怕摔不怕烫还口大好刷牙;还有,在明白自己成不了摄影大师后,现在我连带照相机的勇气都快没有了,以后就用傻瓜数码拍拍到此一游算了;可笑的是那行走杖,除了骚以外最大的用处是打狗,可打狗棍到处都能拣到。

O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps; and now falls on her bed; and then starts up, and Tybalt calls; and then on Romeo cries, and then down falls again.


I have not allowed an official holiday, are one or two months to once menopause is now three months, May 20 B overtime doctor said endometrial thickening may Come official holiday, and June 2 progesterone started to play a five-day, one has so far not come to an official holiday, I used dipstick test has two lines, above, a comparison test line deep below the control line is pink , June 13 to go to the hospital, I am super-B, the doctors have not seen anything that may not yet intrauterine, asking me to check again after seven days, B-list so written "before the uterus, and slightly large, muscular wall echo uniform endometrial thickening 1.2CM, no ……"I now do not know how to do, I do not know any expert can give me some advice?


When the eyes waggle then will I hear again Dostoevski's words, hear them rolling on page after page, with minutest observation, with maddest introspection, with all the undertones of misery now lightly, humor ously touched, now swelling like an organ note until the heart bursts and there is nothing left but a blinding, scorching light, the radiant light that carries off the fecun dating seeds of the stars.


The Fight :- Now you have initial aggro on multiple mobs, it is time to start killing some of them, begin by casting cyclone on your secondary nuke target, you now have to build aggro on your main nuke target, select it and cast two wraths followed by an insect swarm, wait for your weapon swing animation to start then select the secondary nuke target again, recyclone it and move back onto the primary target.


When she looked at him, his eyes were still closed, and he looked as though hed fallen asleep again, but the blanket was now thrown off the empty half of the sofa, and the cushion hed been holding on to now sat up against the armrest next to the one he used as a pillow.

当她看他的时候,他的眼睛仍然被关闭,而且他看起来好像 hed 堕落的再一次熟睡地,但是毛毯现在走开被丢空人一半的沙发,而且抓紧现在的垫子 hed 紧邻那一个熬夜对抗扶手他使用如一个枕头。

Long time hasn't written, sorry about that I was in Singapore for the past week. I was a jury for Asia 's First Film Festival. Watched lots of good film, got really inspired, there are so many good film makers I'm so happy I got to see them first. Just one very unfortunate issue popped up while I was gone. My eldest boy, Uni. Beautiful brown Shizu was seriously ill, he had acute kidney failure. He is better and out of the hospital now, we are trying our best to give him the quality of life right now. I just don't want to go out, wanna stay home with him all the time. But we have to finish the rest of the album and hand everything in before Christmas. Sorry about no writing again.

很久没有写博客了,对不起,我上星期於星加坡为 Asia's First Film Festival 当评审,看了很多好电影,很有启发性,还有很多电影制作人,很高兴能跟他们见面,当我不在港时,有一件很不幸的发生,我最大年纪的孩子– Uni 美丽的棕色西施得了重病,他患了急性肾衰竭,他现在已好多了,亦已经出院,我们现在尽我们所能去给他优质的生活,我不想外出,只想留在家中跟他在一起,但我必须要完成国语专辑的余下工作及於圣诞前交出所有东西,对不起啊,很久没有写博客。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
