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not necessary相关的网络例句

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与 not necessary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The trees and other plants along both sides of the road or along the median strip, as well as the installed advertisement boards and pipelines, etc., shall be kept a necessary distance away from the traffic facilities, and shall not shelter road lamps, traffic signal lamps or traffic signs, or impede the safe range of visibility, or affect the passage.


If not, we must obey the doctor's advice, what kind of necessary medical treatment.


And that includes China, at a rate of 46%, and a quarter of them were not medically necessary.


It is a time of struggle not to succumb to the hatred all around. As the menfolk kill and talk of necessary sacrifice,these women must fight battles of their own.


George Merkle, who heads the nonprofit Consumer Credit Counseling Service in San Antonio, Texas, counsels parents to 'crack the whip ,' get kids on a budget , and if necessary, help out only with a loan -- not a gift -- with a written repayment agreement.

乔治·?默克勒是德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市非营利性组织Consumer Credit Counseling Service的负责人。他建议家长们采取严厉手段,要求孩子们量入为出。如果有必要,用贷款,而不是无偿赠与的方式帮助他们──还要签下书面的偿还协议。

Thus, on this line of reasoning, existence isn''t a great-making property because it is not a property at all; it is rather a metaphysically necessary condition for the instantiation of any properties.


However, it is to be noted that activity of sodium hydroxide with respect to the ester exchange reaction is not sufficient, and in order to improve the conversion rate of the waste edible oil to 90%, it is necessary to add methyl alcohol (stoichiometrically required amount of methyl alcohol is about 3 mole with respect to 1 mole of vegetable oil) and catalyst excessively.

不过,这是必须指出的活动氢氧化钠与尊重向酯交换反应是不足够的,并且为了提高转换率的废油脂至90 %,这是必要的添加甲醇( stoichiometrically要求金额甲醇约3摩尔与尊重,以1摩尔植物油)和催化剂过分。

Lacking necessary metrization, RCC only describe spatial topological relations roughly without further accurateness, and it is also not easy to describe spatial relations such as distance, direction and so on, with the exclusion of topological relation.


He told a congressional panel that the US did not want to militarize the border with Mexico, but would do so if necessary.


Can be seen from the above, many of the color of jade and precious stones have the same or similar places, when the color distinction is not open, the necessary knowledge and equipment by means of mineralogical identification.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
