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与 not necessary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We said that simplicity considerations are not a priori, but this is not really necessary to the argument.


Yet that is not to say that Dame Anita will not be able to find a happy partnership with Sir Lindsay and Jean-Paul Agon, the Frenchman who will succeed him in April as chief executive and who has already signalled his intention to accelerate sales growth - by unconventional means if necessary.

然而,那并不是说,安妮塔女爵就将无法与欧文中和让—保罗?阿贡(Jean-Paul Agon)合作愉快。法国人阿贡将于今年4月接替欧文中的首席执行官职务,他已经表示,有意提高销售增长速度——如果必要的话,将采取非传统方式。

I'm not a profession Stock certificate finance person, but only a small investor, I come to this market for not very long time, I'm shortof the necessary way of the centre of the agora.


However, one should not ignore the international project financing will accompany with great risk, in the structure of Chinas system of project financing, to balance the interests of the system and risk, legal control is necessary, we have to pay attention to the study of the intrinsic nature of project financing, analysis risk factors clarify the content of the project, straighten out the in the status of project financing and so on, At the same time project financing as a result of successful project financing is a sign between the parties to the rational allocation of risks, and risk allocation is mainly through legal means, risk allocation is reasonable or not directly related to the success or failure of project financing.


Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism, that animal force, so necessary for a leader of men, and he too was not expected to inherit the family business.


Returns all to the pure age, this is unable the exchange which blocks and does not have the taboo emotion to divulge can as necessary the light annual ring impressively in item, the tide inundated the sand beach to track down your trail, love is once again needs to drive, even if were the little small success on opens your wing sufficiently; Do not let infiltrate bitterly and astringently the heart too for a long time, down to has lost the experience happy ability.


A little after Noon I found the Sea very calm, and the Tyde ebb'd so far out, that I could come within a Quarter of a Mile of the Ship; and here I found a fresh renewing of my Grief, for I saw evidently, that if we had kept on board, we had been all safe, that is to say, we had all got safe on Shore, and I had not been so miserable as to be left entirely destitute of all Comfort and Company, as I now was; this forc'd Tears from my Eyes again, but as there was little Relief in that, I resolv'd, if possible, to get to the Ship, so I pull'd off my Clothes, for the Weather was hot to Extremity, and took the Water, but when I came to the Ship, my Difficulty was still greater to know how to get on board, for as she lay a ground, and high out of the Water, there was nothing within my Reach to lay hold of; I swam round her twice, and the second Time I spy'd a small Piece of a Rope, which I wonder'd I did not see at first, hang down by the Fore-Chains so low, as that with great Difficulty I got hold of it, and by the help of that Rope, got up into the Forecastle of the Ship; here I found that the Ship was bulg'd, and had a great deal of Water in her Hold, but that she lay so on the Side of a Bank of hard Sand, or rather Earth, that her Stern lay lifted up upon the Bank, and her Head low almost to the Water; by this Means all her Quarter was free, and all that was in that Part was dry; for you may be sure my first Work was to search and to see what was spoil'd and what was free; and first I found that all the Ship's Provisions were dry and untouch'd by the Water, and being very well dispos'd to eat, I went to the Bread-room and fill'd my Pockets with Bisket, and eat it as I went about other things, for I had no time to lose; I also found some Rum in the great Cabbin, of which I took a large Dram, and which I had indeed need enough of to spirit me for what was before me: Now I wanted nothing but a Boat to furnish my self with many things which I forsaw would be very necessary to me.


The handtailor nourishes the tonic: Four team's members necessary, it is said can let the human who was already utterly exhausted become the vigor abundant medicine Sword eight: The generation seals gives the strongest god of death the title Alone blinkers eyeshade: The technical development bureau manufacture may unlimited absorb the spirit strength unceasingly the monster, the sword eight uses it to constrain own strength and to store up its spirit strength Shakes the spot: The anaesthetic, the spirit presses the low person so long as stains can remain unconscious, but does not have the function to the spirit strength excel in person Puts on/to collapse the spot: Strong effect anesthetic, even if the spirit strength excel in person also with difficulty resists The day treads gorgeously: So long as pours into the spirit strength to be able in the sky soaring, is the corpse soul unique precious stage prop Energetic body: The secret mobile most important special spirit has one above, thus can cut the soul knife the main body to force the extension to absorb obtains the embodiment Handcuff: May seal up criminal's spirit strength The secret is mobile: The explanation did not have temporarily, found said again Garrulous bee: The bee ninth generation teaches other people, in six brother younger sister's sixth human of bee tree top damask silk, after joins the punishment armed forces the given name which inherits from her great grandmother there Punishment armed forces: The secret mobile first division, is completely in five division's highest organizations.


It's necessary to spread the risks and losses even if the tortfeasors are not blameful because he has not intentionally or negligently caused the damage.


In our work , we stressed that testing for " significant " individual risk premia parameters is not meaningful in the context under consideration ; if Roll and Ross had not committed this error , we would not have found it necessary to point out this fact .

在我们的工作,我们注重了那测试对于&重大&各自的风险premia 参量不是意味深长的在上下文在研究中;如果卷和Ross 未犯这个错误,我们不会发现它必要指出这个事实

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
