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与 not necessary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Further simulations show that Liu's condition,Lehoczky's condition,and Bini's condition cannot deal with tasks with the same priority,Katcher's condition does not hold for its necessary assertion;meanwhile the condition provides the necessary and sufficient perspective of off-line schedulability checking.


The Contract No., measurement, gross weight, net weight of each package, the heat number, port of destination and any necessary cautions such as "Do not Stack Upside Down","Keep Away From Moisture","Handle With Care","Hook-on Point" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment, whenever necessary.


The measurement, gross weight, net weight of each package, port of destination and any necessary cautions such as "Do not Stack Upside Down","Keep Away From Moisture","Handle With Care","Hook-on Point" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment, whenever necessary.

装运标志 Shipping Mark(散装货物只需载明唛头,而不需要装卸储运标志或危险品标志)8.1每件包装货物的尺寸、毛重、净重、目的口岸以及任何必要的注意事项,例如:&不要倒置&、&防潮&、&小心轻放&、&起吊点&等,在有必要时应以不褪色的颜料印刷在每件包装物的表面。

How to transform the existing government staff into government functionarics; howthe university graduates enter the contingent of government functionaries; whether or notan examination is necessary for demobilizcd soldiers to become government functionariesand whether or not preferential policy is necessary in so selection.


Where a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Company or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Company, subrogate to the Company all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Company in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.


Financing at different stages of financial institutions must ensure the safety of their investments to recover, it is necessary to keep the lower reaches of the refinancing; developers to ensure that the project development, construction and pre-sales of capital adequacy, it must maintain its credibility, then is necessary to guarantee the high quality of the project itself; the public real estate funds and bonds to buy, they must ensure that their investment is not devalued, it will strengthen the developer community supervision, and select the item truly trustworthy, finally, to left behind are the essence of the benefit the consumer; At the same time, real estate financing, construction, sales of the various sectors of society as a whole will also be placed under the line of sight, an increase of transparency and credibility.


At the north of China, especially in the vicinity of Xingtai City, the custom of civil marriage has also followed the trend of many traditional forms, such as when the man propose to "paste under the G","to send food basket"; bride married, it is necessary to "穿红coat,"push" yellow overshoe "wearing" mirror Huxin "Mongolia" red lid "; wedding the way," prompting Shooting ", her brothers" to send the pro-charge car ", encounter strange stone tree,井台mill, it is necessary to paste "Red Posts hi"; wedding team "should not turn back"; the bride to her husband at the entrance to "archery bow,""have saddle,""step红毡"; groom points at home through the front door,"long light," Caesar "guard sub -"vertical" grass stalk height "; door head to put" New Year cake,"heaven and earth to put the table" bucket ", set" Scale ";拜堂to" forage Caesar "; bride into the bridal chamber, it will take" in the face of a corner sit "......


Heard of other people s children can sleep the whole three months of sleep, and some milk at night to eat can be 1,2 times, and I only eat the 宝宝 two or three times before the past two weeks, every night is necessary to every one and a half hours to eat one, exclusive breastfeeding, and do not feed him he s not hungry, eat the hands, and then began to cry not, in any case do not feed him he will not allow, much less sleep I tried to pacify him,喂水, or not, one night I have to do to feed his 6,7 times, urine is also very much about my dire strait, and during the day to take care of him, basically what睡不成, I will go on like this collapse, we quickly think of a way to help me, my first time when the mother, lack of experience, I hope you give me the ideas!!!


I sometimes dream of a larger and more populous house, standing in a golden age, of enduring materials, and without gingerbread work, which shall still consist of only one room, a vast, rude,substantial, primitive hall, without ceiling or plastering, with bare rafters and purlins supporting a sort of lower heaven over one's head —— useful to keep off rain and snow, where the king and queen posts stand out to receive your homage, when you have done reverence to the prostrate Saturn of an older dynasty on stepping over the sill; a cavernous house, wherein you must reach up a torch upon a pole to see the roof; where some may live in the fireplace,some in the recess of a window, and some on settles, some at one end of the hall, some at another, and some aloft on rafters with the spiders, if they choose; a house which you have got into when you have opened the outside door, and the ceremony is over; where the weary traveller may wash, and eat, and converse, and sleep, without further journey; such a shelter as you would be glad to reach in a tempestuous night, containing all the essentials of a house, and nothing for house-keeping; where you can see all the treasures of the house at one view, and everything hangs upon its peg, that a man should use; at once kitchen, pantry, parlor, chamber, storehouse,and garret; where you can see so necessary a thing, as a barrel or a ladder, so convenient a thing as a cupboard, and hear the pot boil,and pay your respects to the fire that cooks your dinner, and the oven that bakes your bread, and the necessary furniture and utensils are the chief ornaments; where the washing is not put out, nor the fire, nor the mistress, and perhaps you are sometimes requested to move from off the trap-door, when the cook would descend into the cellar, and so learn whether the ground is solid or hollow beneath you without stamping.


The Paris Commune was a first great attempt to scale the heights of human emancipation, and it was a harbinger of the future, but it lacked the necessary leadership and was not guided by the necessary scientific understanding to be able to withstand the inevitable counter-revolutionary onslaughts of the forces of the old order and then to carry out a thoroughgoing transformation of society, in all spheres: economic, social, political, cultural, and ideological.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
